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How to Use ABM for High Ticket Digital Marketing

August 30, 2023
min read
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For years, high ticket products and services have relied on in-person meetings, elaborate sales decks, and hundreds of phone calls to sell, but that approach took a nose dive during COVID-19. Many businesses are now asking, “How can I get better leads, get my sales & marketing teams aligned, and close deals on high ticket items in 2024 and beyond?”

The answer to high ticket digital marketing is to embrace account-based marketing (ABM) in a way that’s nimble, targeted, and manageable.

The Problem: Converting High-Value Leads Without the Need for Meetings

The world has been evolving toward an asynchronous communication style for decades. The pandemic simply sped it up. For many of you reading this, you’re operating in industries that still rely on old-school tactics, but what about the next generation? How are you going to get Gen-Z salespeople excited to sell your product or service? How are you going to convert leads in five years?

The teenagers of today will be the decision makers of tomorrow; will your go-to-market strategy work when they’re the ones spending money?

Embracing Async MarCom

Perhaps you’re still able to pitch your suite of products in person. If so, congratulations! Your kids won’t have that luxury, though, so taking time to integrate asynchronous marketing & sales communications into your team now will secure your B2B marketing plans in the future.

Your copywriters, marketing auditors, account executives, marketing managers, graphic designers, et al need ways to overcome sales objections, walk prospects through a funnel, and bring them to a point of conversion without any meetings

All of this is possible if you embrace the targeted approach of Account-Based marketing (ABM) and begin building funnels that are targeted and created specifically for your best-fit accounts/audiences.

What is High Ticket Digital Marketing?

This is a good question, because we’re not talking about a marketing strategy for small purchases. High ticket digital marketing is the strategy whereby you can take expensive products and services to market.

Let’s take Designity, for example. Our lowest level creative services plan starts at $3,150 per month. That is not a high-ticket item. However, our top-level plan, purchased at the annual renewal discount, is $91,800 for a year.

Many enterprise businesses also add on additional Creative team members, which can potentially take the price above $100k for a year of comprehensive marketing, website, video, graphic design, app development, and copywriting services. At that point, we cross over into high ticket services.

High ticket digital marketing takes into consideration the unique values, problems, jobs-to-be-done, and questions of the buying committees that make large purchase decisions. When you’re selling a 20-million-dollar packaging machine, you expect the target audience to need some convincing and hand-holding before making the purchase. When you’re taking a suite of SaaS offerings to market that require $10k per month in subscription fees, you expect to need some explainer videos, white papers, infographics, nurture email sequences, etc to overcome sales objections.

The Future-Proof Solution: Account Based Marketing

A hand placing a floating cube amongst other floating cubes. Account-based marketing is a future-proof solution.

If you want to set up your team for success both now and in the future, account based marketing is where it’s at. There’s no other way to get your sales and marketing teams collaborating, and to provide data back to your product development team that can carry your company forward.

What is Account Based Marketing (ABM)?

Account Based Marketing (or ABM) is a proven strategy that takes the wide-net mass marketing approach that you may be used to and shifts it toward a more customized, targeted, and precise strategy. 

ABM has been a game-changer for many, many brands, and if you’re ready to see how it can work for you, then we’re ready to show you! This blog is going to show you how ABM works and how you can leave the one-size-fits-all approach behind and start incorporating laser-focused and super-effective ABM techniques into your marketing strategy!

How Does ABM Work?

Of course, this may look different depending on your individual business, but the process goes like this:

Step 1: Identify High-Value Accounts

In this step, you’ll identify your high-value accounts, or the accounts that have the highest potential to convert and drive revenue for your business.

Why? Because why waste your marketing efforts and resources on accounts that are not going to give you the time of day?

Here’s some criteria you can look for during your research:

  • Revenue potential — Which of your accounts has the highest potential to generate revenue for your business? Which accounts that, if they said “yes” you’d score big?
  • ICP — Look at your ICP or Ideal Customer Profile. Which accounts best fit with who would be most likely to buy your products or services?
  • History of engagement — Do you have any accounts that have shown an interest in what you offer in the past? Have they visited your website? Left something in their cart? Engaged with your content?
  • Existing relationships — Do you have any existing relationships with key stakeholders or decision makers in these accounts?
  • Market research — Do some homework and see if there are any current challenges, pain points, or trends in the industries these accounts operate in.

Step 2: Create Personas

Got all that?

Good. Because once you’ve identified your high-value accounts, the next step you’ll take is to create very detailed personas for those key decision makers, the ones that have to say “yes!” in order to move forward in those accounts.

This is deeper than just an ICP. To create a persona, you’re going to create a fictional representation of who your ideal customer is based on that market research you did and the folks who’ve purchased from you before. These personas will make it much easier to tailor your messaging and content to really hit pain points and make an emotional connection.

To create a persona, you want to include the following:

  • Demographics — How old is your ideal customer? What’s their education level? What’s their role in the company? Their title? Their responsibilities and the size of their company. 
  • Challenges — What are the challenges they are facing? Their internal and external problems they face at work.
  • Strengths — What do they do best?
  • Goals — What are they working towards? What does success look like to them? A more streamlined workload? Higher revenue? More customer engagement?
  • Buying Process — What is their buying process? What questions are they going to ask themselves in their head as they consider whether or not to buy your product or service?
  • Points of Resistance — What are the deal breakers? What is something that is going to make your decision maker say no? Long delivery times? Complicated buying process? Subscription fees? Whatever it is, you need to know.

Gather up your info, give your ICP a name, and now you have a “real” person to target your messaging toward!

Step 3: Develop Customized Marketing Campaigns

Create a persona for each demographic in your ICP and then customize your marketing campaigns based on their needs and preferences.

What kind of content will work best with your personas? What do they need to see to directly address their specific pain points, help them meet their goals, and address the challenges they face at work.

This content could include ads, whitepapers, blog posts, case studies, videos, or whatever else you think your persona will engage with.

You can further target your audience by narrowing down the channels where you’ll reach your persona (social media, email, events, webinars).

All of this focused targeting leads to a deeper understanding of your target accounts and can yield more high-quality leads, more meaningful customer relationships, and more conversions and revenue for your business.

The Problems ABM Solves

Account-Based Marketing offers several benefits for your businesses. Here are some of them:

The Need to Align the Sales and Marketing Teams

Because of the nature of ABM, you’ll see much more collaboration between your sales and marketing teams. Instead of working in silos, they’ll now collaborate to identify target accounts, create personalized messaging, and work together to develop strategies to engage those high-value decision makers.

When everyone on your team is working on the same goal and communicating, then your efficiency increases, and your company succeeds.

The Need to Shorten Sales Cycles and Clean Up the Funnel

By targeting the accounts that are best-fit for your products or services, ABM can significantly reduce sales cycles. 

Personalized messaging and content that addresses specific pain points and needs, helps to move prospects through the buying journey more efficiently and more quickly, speeding up the decision-making process and saving you time and effort.

The Need to Increase ROI

Because ABM focuses resources on accounts with higher revenue potential, it naturally leads to a better return on marketing investment. 

Using your resources to actively target the accounts that are more likely to convert, lets you allocate your budget more effectively.

Less wasted resources = greater ROI

The Need for a More Personalized Approach

ABM delivers highly personalized content and experiences tailored to the specific needs and challenges of each target account. 

This level of personalization will help your brand build stronger connections and better resonate with decision-makers, leading to increased engagement, better customer relationships, and help to set your business apart from competitors who are using generic, one-size-fits-all marketing messaging.

Account Based Marketing in Action

What does it look like in the real world? First, you’ll choose from various sub-services that fall under the heading of ABM.

What Services Are Involved in High Ticket Digital Marketing With ABM?
  • ABM Strategy: high-level view of your audience, their needs, and your goals.
  • ABM User Journey: ToF, MoF, BoF: defining each stage of the funnel for each audience/account.
  • Copywriting & Content Ideation: always start with the messaging and the wording needed to communicate the message.
  • Required Asset Creation and CRM Automations: design the visuals and create the marketing automations needed to deliver them and track attribution.
  • Lead Generation: plan and execute a plan to generate new, best-fit leads.
  • Omni-Channel Marketing: apply the plan to all the channels which will reach the buying committees at your target accounts.
  • A/B Testing and Analytics Report: continuous improvement is the name of the game! It’s never done; it should always be improving.

What’s the Detailed Process to Implement ABM?

Next the process begins to execute on your high-ticket digital marketing plan:

  • Campaign Strategy: Don’t just make plans. We create winning strategies tailor-made for your business.
  • Creating a Brand Script: Think of this as your brand’s signature dish. Unique, memorable, and entirely you.
  • Creating Personas: Like crafting the perfect dish for each guest, we create personas around your top three best-fit target audiences.
  • User Journey Definition: From appetizers (top-of-funnel) to main course (middle-of-funnel) to dessert (bottom-of-funnel), we craft compelling user journeys.
  • Copywriting & Content Ideation: Crafting the perfect dish requires the right ingredients. We provide the copywriting and content ideas that will spice up your campaigns.
  • Required Assets Creation: Every dish requires the right elements. We create all the necessary assets for your campaigns.
  • CRM Automations: Like a kitchen run to perfection, we set up automations in platforms like HubSpot for seamless operations.
  • Lead Generation: This is all about filling the restaurant! We handle lead generation planning and implementation.
  • Omni-Channel Marketing: Don’t stick to just one cooking method. We mix it up with a multi-channel approach.
  • A/B Testing: Taste testing is crucial in any kitchen. We A/B test campaign elements for best results.
  • Analytics Reports: Lastly, we serve up the numbers with detailed analytics reports throughout your campaign’s lifecycle.

Next Steps: How to Kick-Start ABM On Your Team

A rocket launching into space. Your next step is to launch your own ABM campaign!

You don’t have to keep trying different ad campaigns and hiring more team members. You don’t have to keep worrying about next year’s sales goals. You don’t even have to wait six months to start an ABM project! Designity’s platform gives you a way to kick-start ABM, launching your first funnel in as little as one month.

With Designity on your team, you can have quality control and creative ideation from a designated Creative Director, chosen to match your working style and industry. You’ll have access to a vast pool of vetted US-based Creatives who represent the top 3% in their field. You’ll have a decreased admin load as your Creative Director handles the entire creative team, creates transparent project timelines, and guarantees deliverable deadlines. You’ll have no more fees like you get from typical agencies; with Designity, it’s a simple flat-rate monthly payment.

Partnering with Designity gives you a cost-effective way to achieve your ABM goals.

Each account is assigned a designated Creative Director, who is a digital marketing expert and will not only oversee your timelines and asset creation but do research to find high-value accounts to focus on and work with you to create Customer Personas (ICPs) and define your customer’s user journeys.

Step 1: Schedule a Personalized Demo to Learn About Our Model.

A Designity team member will walk you through our proprietary platform and answer your questions. Please note that most of our ABM projects are under NDA, but you can view examples of the constituent elements (copy, socials, design, video, etc) in our portfolio.

Step 2: Schedule a Kick-Off Call with Your Creative Director.

Get to know your assigned Creative Director and talk through your first project.

Step 3: Complete a Risk-Free Trial.

See the Designity platform in action as your Creative Director collaborates with you, manages your projects, and pushes your ABM project toward completion. You’ll have two weeks to decide if the model is a fit before any payment is needed. You can cancel at any point during the trial.

<div class="c-blog_comp-cta cc-component-1"><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-left"><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-left-wrap"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="c-blog_comp-cta-left-img"></div></div><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-right"><div class="c-blog_comp-content"><div class="c-text-wrapper cc-mb-32"><div class="c-title-4 cc-bold"><strong>Want to save money without sacrificing the quality?</strong></div></div><div class="c-text-wrapper"><div class="c-text-2">Say goodbye to traditional, expensive agencies and unreliable marketplaces. Say hello to Designity.<br></div></div></div><div class="c-blog_comp-wrapper"><a href="/pricing" target="_blank" class="c-button cc-primary cc-inverted w-button"><strong>Get Your 2-Week Trial</strong></a></div></div></div>

If you’re ready to bring your marketing efforts into the 21st century, to stop wasting time and resources on accounts that don’t have any value for your brand, then Designity is here to help you get on board.

Are you ready to leave one-size-fits-all marketing behind? Get Started and Learn More Here >>

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Sara, a Designity content writer.
About the author:
Joseph Cotten
Head of Design
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Designity is your on-demand, virtual creative team with a designated creative director to manage projects and guarantee 5-star quality. A diverse network of vetted, US-based creatives are in their hands to collaborate with and support you in 80+ areas of expertise like website & app design, logo & branding, video production, digital advertising, and more.
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