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How to Create Irresistible Content

July 10, 2023
min read
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In a perfect world, your digital marketing efforts perfectly understand your consumer’s needs and then effortlessly whip up a tailor-made solution that perfectly aligns with those needs.

Your consumer gets what they want and you get a sale. Everyone wins.

It may sound like a pipe dream, but it’s a vision that demand generation works hard to make into a reality.

It’s a marketing strategy that looks at your consumers' needs, matches them with the offerings of your products or services, and then uses that info to craft the perfect way to bring those products or services to your consumer’s attention

It’s very effective and when demand generation and content marketing strategies work in synergy, that’s when the engagement magic happens.

Through content marketing, your brand’s message can speak directly to your consumer in a relevant way, familiarizing them with your brand and highlighting your value so that they're more likely to convert into a sale down the line.

So, if you’re ready to start harnessing the power of demand generation to create some serious interest in your products and services, this blog is going to run you through how you can use your content marketing to generate leads, drive engagement, and increase your conversions.

Let’s get started!

Understanding Your Target Audience

Before you can start making any content and expecting success through demand-generation strategies, you first have to understand your marketing goals and your target audience. Sit down and ask yourself a few very important questions.

Who is your target audience?

What are their needs? Their pain points? 

What are they looking for in a product or service?

Why is your product or service the best solution over others?

Have your marketing team use this information to create personas for each demographic of your audience to better understand how to speak to them, how to refine your content to get their attention, and how to effectively drive demand generation. 

This is the most important step, but once you’ve got it nailed down, this invaluable info will give you what you need to deliver the killer content that captures attention and drives conversions.

Creating Content Marketing Assets

Elements of digital content marketing assets, like videos, testimonials, reviews, and likes are on a social media screen.

Now that you’ve got those sweet, sweet personas to work with, it’s time to tweak your content to meet those needs.

One of the main goals of content marketing is lead generation, or using your valuable content to attract potential customers, increase demand, coax them off of the fence, and convert them into leads and sales. 

Creating Content for Demand-Gen

Here are some great content marketing examples for your graphic designers or content creation team to try that are specifically designed to generate leads. Be sure they are targeted to match different consumer personas!

  •  Landing Pages — Effective landing pages make powerful tools for collecting visitor info and expanding your customer base. If you need some tips on how to create a powerfully effective landing page, check out that link for one of our recent blogs.

  • E-books or Whitepapers — These types of written content can generate leads by offering consumers educational content, valuable insights, or solutions to one or more of their pain points. They are commonly offered on landing pages as a prize for a customer’s contact information. Chances are, if a contact is willing to give you information for some educational content, they are already considering purchasing your offerings.

  • Interactive Quizzes — Interactive quizzes are a fun, attention-grabbing way to encourage customer participation. They’re a great way to collect data, personalized recommendations, and qualified leads and, if they’re engaging enough, your audience is usually more than happy to share them for you on social media!

  • Newsletter Subscriptions — If a consumer opts for a newsletter subscription, there’s a good chance they already have some interest in your brand or your content. Include exclusive content that your audience is sure to get excited about.

  • Social Media Organic Posts — This is non-paid content, created either by you or user-generated content, and shared on social media platforms. Whatever content you choose to share, make it entertaining, educational, and engaging to encourage your users to see the value and share, share, share.

  • Blog Posts — Compelling and well-written blog posts can be a powerful tool for generating leads and talking up your products and services. Write up valuable content that attracts, entertains, and persuades your reader, and don’t forget to include a CTA or lead form at the end!

  • Nurture Email Campaigns — Nurture emails, when done right, help you build relationships with your consumers and guide them through the sales funnel. It’s a great opportunity to provide personalized content to re-engage any consumers who are still on the fence.

Content to Rank for SEO

To effectively reach and attract consumers who are actively Googling your products or services, it is crucial to optimize your content for SEO.

By taking high-volume keywords and phrases and sprinkling them strategically throughout your online content, you can increase your online visibility by ranking higher in search engine results and reaching more motivated users.

Here is the content you need to help you top those search engine pages. 

  • Blog Posts — Blog posts are a great way to sprinkle in those magic keywords with relevant and entertaining content that your audience enjoys. Make sure to use your keywords in a way that’s natural and flows with your content.

  • Tutorials Tutorials or guides are another great way to hit those keywords and long-tail keyword phrases. Not only that, but customers who stumble upon your guides will see you as a trusted expert, especially if you are providing answers to the questions they are asking themselves!

  • Videos — Yes, we know that videos are visual content, but that doesn’t mean video content marketing can’t help you rank for SEO. If you have a YouTube channel, you can use those keywords in your video titles, headers, and descriptions. And don’t forget to use alt text as well, not only to rank for SEO but to keep your content accessible to your vision-impaired users.

  • Case Studies Case studies are great ways to use your keywords, as well as feature your brand’s greatest success stories, offering readers proof of your expertise and the effectiveness of your products and services, and why they need to act quickly.

  • Newsletter Subscriptions — Newsletters may not directly impact your SEO rankings, but they can help by increasing your website traffic, which gives your site more credibility with those search crawlers. They also can help out your social media marketing efforts by offering buttons for your users to easily click and share.

Email Marketing

The right email marketing strategies paired with valuable, engaging content can be an invaluable (and cost-effective!) tool to reach your audience. 

By providing them with valuable and entertaining content, you can establish trust and credibility with your audience and create a lasting impression! Email marketing is particularly effective because it gives you the ability to measure your campaign performance through the email marketing platform you’re using, like Mailchimp or HubSpot.

Below are some effective email marketing content ideas to captivate your customers.

  • Newsletters — Keep your subscribers updated with information and useful resources! Newsletters keep your audience informed, nurture relationships, and give you a chance to show off your expertise!

  • Educational Content — This can be a blog post, a how-to guide, or anything, as long as it educates, provides value, and positions you as the ultimate resource in your industry.

  • Customer Success Stories Your customer wants to know that your brand and the products and services you offer are the real deal. Why not show them that by highlighting real-world benefits of what you offer? 

  • Personalized Recommendations — Offering relevant and personalized suggestions can offer your customer convenience, drive engagement, and just overall increase your chance of conversions.

  • Event Invitations — This is a great way to promote webinars, workshops, conferences, or anything that your brand offers to a consumer who already has an interest in your brand. Talk up your events and build up excitement around your brand!

  • Sales Promotions — Who doesn’t love a sale? Sales promotions, special offers, and limited-time discounts can help you drive immediate action and lead to increased sales and conversions.

Monitoring for Content Marketing Success

A magnifying glass inspecting a metric analysis tool's screen, monitoring for content marketing success.

Of course, if you want any of your demand generation or content marketing campaigns to be successful, it is imperative that you monitor your results.

There is no such thing as one simple solution, you’ll have to constantly tweak your efforts to continue to align with your customers' wants and needs.

To do this, you can try out platforms like Google Analytics, that make it easy to monitor the important metrics of your campaign, like website traffic, engagement, conversion rates, and more.

Once you know what strategies and content are working and what isn’t, it’s just a matter of tweaking your content or shifting your efforts to find what works!

Continue monitoring your results, tweaking as necessary, and watch those conversions come rolling in.


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Designity Content Marketing Services

So, there you have it. Our ultimate list of the content you need for your demand generation strategies. 

Of course, in order for you to reap all of the benefits of demand generation, you first have to have the content! If you don’t have a full creative team behind you, you have some work to do.

Or, alternatively, you can turn to  Designity to help your content shine.

Our Creative Directors are not only design experts, but marketing experts as well. We can get you started right, creating detailed personas for your target audience so that we have a deep understanding of their needs and pain points to know what content works best to grab their attention.

And with all of that expertise backed by the top 3% of US-based creative talent, you can be certain that your new content will be of the highest quality, wowing your target audience, increasing brand awareness, captivating potential customers, drumming up interest in your products, and driving leads and conversions for your brand.

What type of content generates the most leads for your brand?

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Sara, a Designity content writer.
About the author:
Sara Lopez
Sara is a Texas-based copywriter.
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