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Increase Conversions Through Landing Page Design

July 5, 2023
min read
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A good landing page is an essential tool that allows your brand to convert visitors into leads, leads into contacts, and contacts into loyal customers. That’s not all they do, either.

Well-designed landing pages not only have the power to increase your conversions, but they’re also an indispensable source of data collection and analysis, giving you an opportunity to gain insight into your audience and their interests and provide a form of A/B testing to see what elements work best for conversions.

But that’s only for landing pages that are performing well.

If your landing page isn’t performing as intended, if your bounce rates are high and your conversion rates low, then you’re missing out on all of these benefits and losing out on all of the potential sales you could be raking in.

So, if you're stuck with an underwhelming landing page, you need to stop the bleed fast! We’re here to help you out. 

Here are 7 landing page optimization tips to build your brand a high-performing landing page that increases your conversions, expands your consumer base, and boosts your bottom line.

Landing Page Conversion Rates

Though digital marketing can be a complex field, calculating the conversion rate of your landing page is surprisingly straightforward.

Just take the number of people who converted, divide it by the number of visitors to your page, and then multiply by 100. So, if you had 500 visitors to your landing page and 50 converted, it would math like this:

50 converts / 500 visitors = 10% conversion rate

There are many different opinions on what the ideal conversion rate is, but the general consensus is that 10% is the average benchmark for good conversion rates. On the flip side, anything below 2% is cause to pause a campaign and pivot to a different focus.

7 Landing Page Design Tips to Increase Conversions

If that 10% goal still seems hopelessly above the rate that your landing page is performing now, don’t worry.

If you use the 7 steps outlined below, you’ll have your landing page optimized in no time and quickly start to see some improvement. Let's dive right in.

1. Know Your Target Audience 

A dart in a bullseye. We know our target audience.

Before you can even get to the design process, it’s crucial that you nail down the following:

  1. Who is your target audience? 
  2. What are their pain points, both external problems to solve and internal emotional pain they’re feeling as a result of the external problems?
  3. What are they looking for in a potential solution to those pain points?

Don’t do anything with your landing page until you’ve ironed this out first because in order to be successful, your page has to speak to your audience in a way that’s relevant, demonstrate an understanding of their pain points, and showcase your product or service as the ultimate solution.

If there are different demographics of your audience, it would be extremely helpful for you or your marketing team to sit down and draw up a persona or Ideal Client Profile (ICP) for each and have multiple landing pages that are tweaked to speak to each group. This gets into a bit of Account-Based Marketing as well, if you have a few minutes.

If you have copywriters on your payroll, ask them to craft short, engaging, and easy-to-digest sections of copy and headers that are tailored to instantly grab the attention of each of your personas to make it easier to convert them into a lead or a sale.

2. Make Them Want to Stick Around

Now that you know who you’re talking to, you need to make your landing page a place that is welcoming and free of frustration to encourage them to stick around.

For that reason, it is crucial that your landing page be able to load as quickly as possible so that you don’t lose any potential converts before they’re even through the door. And once it loads, it needs to be easy to read and free of unnecessary clutter that could make your design look overly busy, overwhelming, or crowded. 

To keep your design clean, avoid large blocks of text and use catchy headers to keep your audience reading. Grabbing a visitor's attention right away is the most effective way to convince your potential convert to stay to read what you have to offer.

It’s unfortunate but people just won’t spend much time reading, especially online. In order to keep your potential convert on your page, they should be able to easily see all of the information they need to make a decision. Short sections of text and engaging images are the best way to do this and ensure that your page is easily scannable to enable even your most impatient visitors to find what they're looking for right away.

Once you've got your visitor's attention and they're scanning, don't waste their time. Get right to the meat and potatoes of what you're offering so they know right away what your value is. Above all, your landing page must deliver obvious value and do so immediately.

Now that you've convinced your visitor to stick around long enough to get to your lead form, be sure you reward them with something in exchange for their info, like a whitepaper, eBook, downloadable, or discount.

Just that bit of extra effort will help coax visitors into leads, get them into your funnel, and position them to be converted into a sale down the line.

3. Lead the Way

A great landing page has a clear narrative and is easy to follow. 

Not sure where to start? Check out StoryBrand or ask your Designity Creative Director to help you create an actionable brand script.

To help out your visitor even further, directional cues like arrows, highlights, or callout boxes are simple yet effective ways of leading your visitor along your narrative. Even something as simple as a subject in one of your images looking at or pointing toward your CTAs can subtly guide your visitor’s attention toward your most pertinent information.

Remember, you need to keep them reading till the call-to-action, so set up your landing page in a way that makes it easy for them to do so.

Keep the sections of your landing page short and to the point and don’t waste your visitor’s time with unnecessary visual clutter that will take their eyes off the prize.

3. Make it Easy 

A purple funnel with blue profile pic tokens flowing in and money flowing out. Your landing page design should make it easy for customers to covert.

Humans scrolling on the internet don’t have a huge amount of patience and if you’ve ever clicked off a slow-loading page or noped out of an online purchase because of too many popups or a complicated buying process, then you know what we're talking about.

So, it is imperative that you keep it simple. Once your visitor scrolls down to your lead capture/ landing page form, don’t overwhelm them by asking for 45 different things they’ll have to look up to answer.

A name and email address or phone number will usually suffice, but if you need more than that, adding a simple dropdown menu with a few options is an easy, pain-free way to get your visitor to give you that little bit extra.

Keep in mind though that the more information you ask from your potential customer, the less likely it is that they’re going to take the time to fill it out. Think about what would make you nope out of a form and just try not to cross that line.

While we’re focusing on making your lead forms easy, don’t forget to make the whole process easy as well. Focus on one call-to-action and build your landing page around it to avoid confusion and optimize the flow of your page. This will allow your visitor to focus on one message and one goal.

4. Trust Signals

How many times have you added items to your online shopping cart, filled out your information, and then just hovered over that COMPLETE ORDER button, wondering if you really should be giving this company your credit card information?

If you’re like us, more than you’d like to admit.

People need to trust the companies they purchase from. So, adding some trust signals to your landing page, like testimonials, raving reviews, certifications, ratings, etc. is a good way to indicate to your potential customer that your product or service is the real deal, is already offering value to people just like them, and can offer them value too.

It’s just human nature to trust our peers’ word over that of a company, so be sure to include these signals to reassure any possible hesitations that your persona might have. 

This is another reason why it’s so important to thoroughly research your target audience and build out a persona for as many demographics as you can!

5. Mobile Optimization

It’s 2023, so it’s probably safe to assume that your target audience is on the go and has a smartphone in their pocket. Odds are, many of your visitors will first stumble upon your landing page during a scrolling session on social media or while Googling something on their phone.

Because so many people do this, it is crucial that you optimize your landing page for mobile and that all of your design elements show up proportioned correctly for someone visiting via a smartphone or other smaller device. 

Make sure all text and CTAs are easy to read and legible on a smaller screen and your phone-addicted audience will appreciate it.

6. Test it Out

A laptop showing a landing page design on its screen and a magnifying glass inspecting it to test it out.

Once you get all of your visual elements, copy, and lead forms ready, it’s time to create your landing page!

And once it’s finished, guess what? That doesn’t mean the job is done.

A high-converting landing page is probably one that has been through multiple iterations to make sure it is completely conversion rate-optimized.

You or your marketing team needs to continually monitor your page to see if your conversion rates begin to improve and if those improvements are consistent. You can do this via Google Analytics or any other metrics tool.

And if you test out your landing page and see that your conversion rates aren’t improving, then all isn’t lost. Just get some user feedback to see where the disconnect may be and keep tweaking until you start to see some results. 

You'd be surprised at how simple a fix can be. Sometimes, all it takes is something as simple as changing up the shape and color of your CTA button or a snappier header to make the difference.

The internet is a funny place.

<div class="c-blog_comp-cta cc-component-1"><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-left"><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-left-wrap"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="c-blog_comp-cta-left-img"></div></div><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-right"><div class="c-blog_comp-content"><div class="c-text-wrapper cc-mb-32"><div class="c-title-4 cc-bold"><strong>Want to save money without sacrificing the quality?</strong></div></div><div class="c-text-wrapper"><div class="c-text-2">Say goodbye to traditional, expensive agencies and unreliable marketplaces. Say hello to Designity.<br></div></div></div><div class="c-blog_comp-wrapper"><a href="/pricing" target="_blank" class="c-button cc-primary cc-inverted w-button"><strong>Get Your 2-Week Trial</strong></a></div></div></div>

Are You Ready to Increase Your Conversions?

If you’re ready to revamp your landing page and really start seeing some results, then we’re here for you!

Designity offers stellar landing page design services that can create landing pages for your brand that captivate and convert, helping you generate leads, boost your sales, and drive your business.

Our Creative Directors are marketing and design experts and will take the entire project off of your shoulders and into their capable hands. Backed up by the top 3% of US-based web designers, graphic designers, copywriters, and more, you can rest assured that your landing page projects are in good hands and will soon be optimized, working for you, and helping you grow your business.

Check out our landing page design services to see some of the great work we’ve done!

 How do you design your landing page to increase conversions?

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Sara Lopez
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