Blog > Tools/Resources > Freelance Marketplace > How to Use Toptal and Other Freelance Platforms for Marketing Projects

Using Freelance Platforms to Meet Your Creative Marketing Needs

March 27, 2024
min read
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How is a busy company supposed to get the marketing collateral they need to be successful?

For those businesses that don’t have the budget to staff an entire in-house creative team or the bandwidth to constantly source their own freelancers, freelance talent platforms have quickly become the go-to for all creative marketing needs.

Using a platform like Toptal, for instance, can transform the way you do business, giving your brand access to top-tier talent for projects ranging from product packaging, copywriting, graphic design, and video production, and simplify the search for the experts whose skills you need to get your projects done.

So, if your brand could use a boost like the one a freelancing platform can give you, then this blog is just what you need.

Whether you’re looking for a fresh eye for a marketing campaign or a way to outsource your marketing collateral, this blog is your guide on how to harness platforms like Toptal to revolutionize your approach to marketing and make the most of your budget!

What are Freelance Platforms?

A laptop with a graph on its screen, surrounded by packaging, coins, a headset, and more elements of freelance work.

Freelance platforms are online marketplaces that connect freelancers — individual professionals who work on a “by project” basis — with clients who are in need of their skills and services.

These platforms are usually remote, meaning that they can employ top experts from around the world. 

And because they are backed by that talent, they can offer a wide range of expertise to clients in need, from marketing project managers to business consultants, finance experts, and creative marketing experts like graphic designers, copywriters, web designers, video production specialists, and more. 

What’s the Difference Between Freelance Platforms and Open Freelance Marketplaces?

Unlike open freelance marketplace sites like Fiverr and Upwork, freelance platforms like Toptal differ due to how the platform functions.

Upwork and Fiverr’s platforms require clients to create individual job postings (including instructions, duration, and pay) that any freelancer on the site can bid on or apply to. This leaves the client to navigate through a pool of applicants to find the creative that best fits their needs (or is willing to work the cheapest).

On the other hand, freelance platforms like Toptal, MarketerHire, and Creative Circle pre-vet their freelancers to ensure that only top talent is available, and then have administrative staff that matches freelancers to clients based on skills needed.

How to Use Freelance Platforms to Complete Your Marketing Projects

So, if the assurance and vetted experts of a freelance platform sound like the way to go, here are the steps you need to take to find the right one for you and start getting your marketing projects completed in no time!

1. Identify Your Project Needs

The first step is to identify what your project needs.

Is it consulting services? Collateral for an event, like a trade show?

Is it something large-scale like building an entire new website or rebranding your company? Something smaller like a brochure design or logo refresh?

Whatever it is, determine the projects you need completed and what creative skill it’s going to take to complete them. Some common creative needs include graphic design, illustration, web design, copywriting, video editing, and more.

2. Research Freelance Platforms

Once you’ve determined your project needs, put on your internet detective hat and start researching your available options. There are a variety of different freelance platforms out there, so be sure to do your homework to narrow down the platform that would work best for you.

Some key factors to look for as you narrow down your options are:

  • Pricing — How does the platform’s pricing structure work with your budget? Does the platform set the price or does the individual freelancer? Keep in mind that some platforms may charge a flat fee, others take a percentage of the project cost, and some may have membership fees. Some freelancers may also charge extra for high-level services like 3D motion graphics or VR development.
  • Creative Direction / Project Management — Are you looking for project management from the platform you choose? Some platforms offer project management solutions for businesses while others require you to manage your own freelance hires.
  • Trial Period — Look for platforms that offer a trial period or some kind of satisfaction guarantee. This will let you test out the platform and see if it will meet your needs without having to commit a huge investment upfront.
  • Scope of Services — Look at the range of services that each platform offers. Will they be able to meet all of your needs? If you need a more niche service, then you may have trouble finding a platform with the right freelancers for the job.

3. Get Started with the Platform that Fits You Best

Reach out to the one that best fits you with their preferred method of communication!

For some, this includes filling out a form online and others might require a call with a member of their administrative staff. 

Each platform has its own onboarding process as well that you will have to go through, but the main goal of it will be to make contact, explain your needs, and tell them what services you’re looking for.

4. Get Matched with Creatives

A puzzle with one piece about to connect. Is the right freelancer the missing piece of your creative puzzle?

Once you’ve been onboarded, the platform of your choice will be armed with all of the info about your project needs.

Then, behind the scenes, the platform’s administrators will source the right talent for your marketing projects and build your creative team. This might be one freelancer or a team of two or more. It’s up to how many freelancers you wish to pay!

5. Set Clear Expectations and Goals

Once your project begins, you should be sure to set very clear goals and expectations for your freelancer or new team.

If you have any tools or systems that you wish to use, be sure to train your new hires to ensure that they are working effectively and to avoid any confusion.

Depending on which platform you use, you’ll either be explaining your expectations and goals directly to your freelancers or to the creative director managing your account. Regardless, once your team knows what to do, they’ll go to work, leaving you free to focus on your own job.

6. Monitor Progress

Some platforms have built-in check-ins for you to monitor progress, while some require you to periodically check in with your freelancers via email to see how things are going.

Whatever the process is, be sure to follow guidelines and review your finished results, providing feedback as you go.

Some platforms will allow for revisions, though for most it depends on the guidelines set by the individual freelancer. Some freelancers offer 1-3 free revisions, while others will charge for additional revisions and touch-ups.

Popular Freelance Platforms

If this sounds like an ideal solution for your creative needs, then here are a few popular freelance platforms to help get you started.


Priding itself on connecting businesses with only the top 3% of their freelance applicants, Toptal (short for "top talent") is a popular choice for brands looking for experts for creative, IT, marketing, sales, and other business needs.

Creative Circle

Creative Circle focuses on the creative side of marketing, providing businesses with access to a wide range of creative professionals, including graphic designers, digital marketers, web designers, and more.

Ideal for businesses looking for US or Canada-based talent.

People Per Hour

This platform offers a wide range of freelancers skilled in fields from web development to digital marketing. People Per Hour is unique in that it allows clients to post a project and then receive custom quotes from freelancers with the right set of skills.


99Designs is a popular choice due to its design contest feature, allowing clients to submit a project brief and then receive multiple design submissions from different designers who are interested in the job. It’s a great option for marketers looking to explore different creative concepts.


MarketerHire is a freelance platform dedicated to marketing talent and connects businesses with expert marketers who specialize in fields like digital marketing, SEO, graphic design, and content marketing.

It’s made for businesses that need specialized marketing skills and collateral to grow their business.

The Benefits of Using Freelance Platforms

Two lightbulbs, for the benefits of using freelance platforms.

If you’ve decided by now that freelance platforms are the right way to go for your many creative marketing needs, then you aren’t alone.

There are many benefits of using freelance platforms, including:

  • Global Talent Access — Instantly connect with a wide pool of professionals from various fields.
  • Flexibility and Scalability — Easily adjust your project size and team composition as needed.
  • Streamlined Workflow — Integrated tools make communication, project management, and payment a breeze.
  • Quality Assurance — Enjoy access to vetted professionals, ensuring high-quality results.
  • Cost-Effectiveness — Can be a more budget-friendly option compared to traditional hiring methods.
  • Quick Turnaround — Efficient processes and easy communication result in faster project completion.
  • Diverse Skill Sets — Freelance platforms offer a range of expertise, from design to development and marketing.

<div class="c-blog_comp-cta cc-component-1"><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-left"><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-left-wrap"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="c-blog_comp-cta-left-img"></div></div><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-right"><div class="c-blog_comp-content"><div class="c-text-wrapper cc-mb-32"><div class="c-title-4 cc-bold"><strong>Want to save money without sacrificing the quality?</strong></div></div><div class="c-text-wrapper"><div class="c-text-2">Say goodbye to traditional, expensive agencies and unreliable marketplaces. Say hello to Designity.<br></div></div></div><div class="c-blog_comp-wrapper"><a href="/pricing" target="_blank" class="c-button cc-primary cc-inverted w-button"><strong>Get Your 2-Week Trial</strong></a></div></div></div>

Creative as a Service Platforms: A Better Way to Source Creative Talent?

Freelance platforms aren’t the only way to source your creative needs from pre-vetted experts, however.

More and more brands are turning to Creative as a Service (CaaS) platforms as a way to get their creative needs met without the hassle of having to manage freelancers.

This is because CaaS platforms often offer premium project management services, providing you with a designated project manager or creative director to manage your account, build out your timelines, source your creative team, and take managing duties off your shoulders.

They also operate on a subscription-based model rather than the hourly or per-project pricing you’d get from freelance platforms like Toptal or MarketerHire, making budgeting more predictable and potentially cheaper, since you play a flat fee for all work done during a subscription period, regardless of how many projects it is or how many freelancers are working on those projects.

Designity: The CaaS Platform Your Marketing Needs

If hiring project management experts and operating on a predictable and budget-friendly subscription model would make your marketing efforts so much easier, then perhaps you’ve already found your ideal partner.

Like Toptal, Designity is made up of the top 3% of all the thousands of freelancers who apply, so you’re guaranteed to always have pre-vetted and US-based Creatives to eliminate any communication and language barriers. This elite creative team will also be managed by a designated Creative Director, an experienced marketer and designer who will source and manage your creative team, keep your projects on schedule, and meet with you weekly to hear your needs and discuss your progress.

Sound like something your marketing team could get behind? If so, why not have a look at our portfolio and see how Designity has been able to elevate the creative marketing efforts of brands just like yours?

If our style vibes with yours, go ahead and book your demo call and let’s get you started with a two-week, no-obligation trial so you can see for yourself how Designity’s innovative model and talented Creative Directors can bring out the best in your brand!

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Sara Lopez
Sara is a Texas-based copywriter.
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