Blog > Design > Graphic Design > Graphic Design Trends 2024: What Creatives Should Know

Keep Yourself Updated with All of the Latest Trends!

February 23, 2024
min read
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If you’re a graphic designer, then you know design isn’t a stagnant field.

It’s constantly evolving, constantly changing as trends come and go. So, if you’re going to be a successful graphic designer in today’s world, then it’s not just a good idea to keep yourself ahead of the curve, it’s an absolute necessity.

It’s a tough job, but we’re here to help.

Consider today’s blog your crystal ball into the future. We’ve had a month to process 2024 and, today, we’re able to bring you a sneak peek into what lies on the horizon for the world of graphic design and give you the insight you need to prepare for the coming year!

Let’s dive in!

Why It’s Important to Know the 2024 Graphic Design Trends

Aside from just keeping up with what’s going on, there are plenty of other reasons why it’s necessary for designers like you to keep up with current design trends.

Here are some of those reasons now:

  • Relevance and Modernity — Design trends reflect the current aesthetic preferences and styles. Staying updated makes it easier to create work that feels contemporary and resonates with the current audience.
  • Competitive Edge — Clients and employers often want designs that are fresh and in line with all of the current trends. Being aware of and incorporating these trends gives designers a competitive edge in the market.
  • Meeting Client Expectations — Understanding design trends allows designers to not only meet but exceed their client expectations. Clients often want to stay updated with current styles, and staying informed helps designers give them what they want.
  • Innovation and Creativity — Trends often push the boundaries of creativity and innovation. By staying aware of what's trending in the creative industry, designers can draw inspiration, experiment with new techniques, and bring fresh ideas into their work.
  • Adaptability — The design industry evolves rapidly, and what was popular yesterday may not be relevant tomorrow. Designers who stay on top of emerging trends prove their ability to evolve with the times, making them more versatile and adaptable professionals.
  • Client Engagement — Creating designs that follow current trends are more likely to engage current audiences. People are drawn to what feels modern and familiar, making trend-aware designs more effective in capturing attention and conveying messages.
  • Cross-Industry Insights — Design trends often transcend industries. Keeping an eye on trends in the creative industry allows designers to gain insights into other industries, building cross-industry inspiration and helping them create more versatile and universally appealing designs.
  • Professional Growth — Designers are always learning and always growing. Designers who actively follow and engage with design trends demonstrate a commitment to ongoing education and improvement, positioning themselves as dedicated and forward-thinking professionals.

12 Graphic Design Trends to Watch in 2024

A big number 12 for 12 graphic design trends to expect in 2024.

What we’re saying is, it’s important to keep up.

So, without further ado, here are the 12 graphic design trends you should be watching out for in 2024 and beyond!

1. AI in Design

That’s right.

AI is here and it’s here to stay.

Look for continued use of AI in marketing collateral as brands all over are embracing AI art in their design, using tools like Midjourney, DALL-E 2, and other AI art generators, to craft images for their website design, social media pages, marketing campaigns, and more.

They’re also using their human designers to create images that have that “AI-generated look” to them to achieve the same results.

And while some may worry that the machines are out to take away all of the graphic design jobs out there or rise up against the humans Skynet-style, we don’t feel that’s the case.

Instead, look for AI to be used as a helpful tool by more and more designers for things like generating images, mood boarding, putting together quick layouts, or comparing different styles.

So, from abstract 3D renderings to stunning futuristic illustrations, AI-powered design is fast becoming an integral part of some brand's look and a designer’s toolkit. 

Time to jump on board and get familiar with the design tools you need!

2. Gradient, Gradients, and More Gradients

Why use one or two colors when you could use those colors plus every color in between?

Here to add depth and life to your visuals, expect to see more brands use stunning gradients in everything from their logos to their typography to the backgrounds of their digital ads and banners.

Whether it’s a subtle color fade to white or a bolder, more eye-catching shift between two contrasting colors, we expect gradients to play a big role in the coming year. So, as a proactive designer, get ready to add more and more gradients to your design strategy!

3. Pixels

Whether a brand is going for a retro Atari look or a futuristic vibe, pixelated font, titles, headers, and logos are a quick way to convey that type of look.

Once merely tiny parts of a bigger picture, pixels seem to have taken on a life of their own and we predict that the pixelated aesthetic will continue to thrive in the coming year and beyond.

Designers, get ready to embrace the humble pixel to create visuals that captivate and add the retro or futuristic vibe your clients are looking for!

4. Hyper Realistic Photography

A camera sitting slightly in front of a photograph.

Inspired in part by exaggerated images created by AI art generators, ultra hyper-realistic photos are photos that are so realistic, they make viewers do a double take.

Expect more brands to get on the bandwagon with hyper-realistic photography made even cooler with high-definition filters and glossy, almost wet-looking effects. Look to see these stunning visuals in things like magazine spreads, posters, digital banners, and more.

Sharpen up your photography-touching skills, 2024 designers, because it won’t be long until you have a client requesting this popular aesthetic!

5. Bold Minimalism

Minimalism has been all the rage in the past few years, with brands all over adopting a “less is more” policy by simplifying their logos and identity.

And while that is certain to continue, we predict a slight shift toward bold minimalism.

Bold minimalism is all about impactful statements; clean lines with strong visual impact. Expect this year to bring about simple yet striking design with bold choices in typography and colors for everything from web design to brand merchandise.

6. Maximalism

We’ve already discussed minimalism as a trend on the rise this year, so we can’t forget its polar opposite: Maximalism!

While minimalism is all about simple yet striking design, maximalism is all about demanding attention through use of busy textures, patterns, and bold, contrasting color palettes.

As minimalism grows in popularity, expect some brands to go against the grain and seek out more vibrant color schemes, larger patterns, and a variety of contrasting elements that are guaranteed to turn heads and stop the scroll.

7. Condensed Serif Fonts

And while we’re on the subject of nostalgic design, another blast from the past is on the rise again.

The condensed serif fonts of the 1970s are enjoying a comeback as of late, lending a surprisingly elegant, classic look to brands in the fashion, lifestyle, and even tech industries.

These fonts, characterized by narrow letterforms and distinctive serifs bring an air of sophistication and timelessness to product packaging, digital ads, and other marketing collateral!

Expect to see more of this in the coming year, perhaps even paired with retro color palettes for the full throwback experience!

8. Retro Color Palettes

A collection of color swatch cards full of shades of purple, yellow, and blue.

If you’ve been spinning along with the planet long enough, you know that what was once “in” will be “in” again if you just wait long enough.

The pastel color palettes of the 1950s and 1960s seem to be making a comeback lately with a variety of brands experimenting with bright yellows, oranges, pinks, and blues.

This retro resurgence adds a touch of nostalgia and optimism to contemporary designs, so expect to see more and more of your clients asking for these cheerful hues for everything from fashion to branding and more!

9. Doodles

Hand-drawn illustrations have been a part of graphic design for as long as we can remember, but lately, the humble doodle is growing a life of its own.

These doodles range from rough, playful sketches to intricate hand-drawn patterns, but whatever they are, their intent is usually to bring a human touch and a bit of whimsy into a brand’s marketing collateral.

Get those Wacom tablets ready, designers, because we only expect this trend to continue to grow as more brands use these simple, but fun drawings to put out a more approachable, warm, and friendly vibe out to their potential customers.

10. Brand Illustrations

Forget the overused stock imagery, custom brand illustrations are also taking center stage next year!

Just like their cousin, the humble doodle, brand illustrations are becoming a go-to for many companies due to the warmth and originality they lend to marketing collateral and overall brand identity.

Custom brand illustrations are more personable than stock imagery or photos and can work to create a more authentic and approachable brand image.

Get ready to unleash your creativity as more and more companies turn to captivating illustrations to tell their story and liven up their assets.

11. Utilitarian Design

As a people, we like things to work.

After all, what good is a beautiful website or mobile app if it’s hard to navigate, takes forever to load, and doesn’t give us the information we need?

Not very. With so much of our lives spent online, we need things that function and that’s what utilitarian design is all about.

Utilitarian design focuses on creating an easy and straightforward user experience by prioritizing functionality over unnecessary frills. Expect more and more brands to get on board with emphasizing simplicity, practicality, efficiency, and user-friendly design to make sure that both their online (and real-world) presence meets their users' needs while still looking great.

12. Stealth Wealth

“Stealth Wealth,” or an emphasis on understated yet luxurious clothing and accessories branding has been growing since 2023 and we expect it to continue this year.

A companion to the minimalism movement, stealth wealth has brands ditching their flashy logos and packaging in favor of subtle and elegant detailing. 

This elegant simplicity creates an air of exclusivity and leans more on a brand’s quiet confidence in its high-quality product rather than having to loudly broadcast its benefits.

It’s a strategy that seems to be paying off, so expect a year of sophisticated and simple design that makes a lasting impression on customers without the need for bright colors or bold patterns!

<div class="c-blog_comp-cta cc-component-2"><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-left"><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-left-wrap"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="c-blog_comp-cta-left-img"></div></div><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-right cc-dark"><div class="c-blog_comp-content"><div class="c-text-wrapper cc-mb-32"><div class="c-title-4 cc-bold"><strong>Like to work as a freelancer with consistent income?</strong></div></div><div class="c-text-wrapper"><div class="c-text-2">Designity's collaborative model is designed to give you all of the perks of being a freelancer without the income instability.<br></div></div></div><div class="c-blog_comp-wrapper"><a href="" target="_blank" class="c-button w-button"><strong>Join Our Creative Community</strong></a></div></div></div>

Looking for a Place to Use Your Skills?

If you’re looking for a place to start applying your talents, beefing up your online portfolio, and working on all of the fascinating projects just like the ones we discussed above, then we have a suggestion for you.

Why not become a member of the Designity community?

As a Designity Creative, you’ll get the opportunity to work on a variety of different projects with a variety of different industries and in a variety of different styles. We can think of no better way to keep yourself up to date with all the latest trends than to use your unique skills to bring them to life for the many brands we work with.

So, if you’re looking for a consistent workload with competitive pay, flexible hours, a 100% remote environment, and the chance to work and learn from expert Creative Directors, then Designity just might be the place for you.

If you think you have what it takes, put your skills to the test and apply today!

We can’t wait to see what you can do.

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Sara, a Designity content writer.
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Sara Lopez
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