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Social Media Marketing for Law Firms 101

May 29, 2024
min read
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It’s 2024, friends, and if your law firm isn’t taking full advantage of social media, then it’s high time it did.

In just the past few years, social media has transformed from just a place to be entertained and tend to digital farms to a platform where every click could translate into business opportunities for your firm.

And it’s not just enough to have a “sorta” online presence and post every now and then.

To take full advantage of your social media marketing efforts, you need to do more than just exist; you need a strategic approach that boosts your visibility and engages your audience!

So, whether you’re a new law firm looking for tips to get started on social media or an established pro ready to revamp your social media efforts, today’s blog is here to help you get it done.

We’re bringing you 10 of our best social media marketing tips for law firms to help you reach your marketing goals, amplify awareness of your brand, and win over new clients to your firm!

The Importance of Social Media for Law Firms

For starters, it’s 2024 and every brand that wants to succeed is on social media.

And we get it. Social media marketing for law firms is a tricky subject, and we may be hesitant to be too present on our social media accounts to maintain professionalism. But a strong social media presence is crucial for law firm marketing for many reasons. 

Here are some now:

  • Increased Visibility — Social media channels provide you with the opportunity to promote your law firm to a broader audience, boosting your exposure beyond what traditional advertising methods can do.
  • Client Engagement — A law firm’s social media channels allow them to engage directly with potential and existing clients to make a personal connection and build trust.
  • Brand Building — Consistent posting about your firm’s success, legal insight you have to offer, and community involvement helps establish and reinforce your reputation as knowledgeable and client-focused.
  • Thought Leadership — Law firms can establish themselves as authorities in their field by sharing expert content, detailed blog posts, and commentary on current legal issues.
  • Cost-Effectiveness — Compared to traditional marketing channels like TV or print media, social media marketing offers a more cost-effective solution with potentially higher returns on investment.
  • SEO Benefits — Active engagement via social media marketing for law firms can boost search engine ranking since sharing content that links back to your website helps drive traffic.
  • Monitoring and Feedback — Social media platforms provide valuable insights into content performance and audience perception (more on this in a bit).

10 Social Media Marketing Tips for Your Legal Practice to Try in 2024

A golden number 10, for 10 social media marketing tips law firms should try.

So, if you aren’t active on social media (or if you are and it’s not working), how can you turn it around?

We recommend following our 10 best social media marketing tips so you can get the best of your practice’s social media efforts!

1. Define Your Target Audience

First off, you’ve got to define your target audience.

Who you’re looking to reach sometimes depends on the services you provide. Are you a family law lawyer? A corporate lawyer? A real estate lawyer? Personal injury?

Whoever it is you’re looking to reach, it’s helpful to start your journey by building out some detailed user personas, which are fictional representations of a member of your target audience to help you understand their needs, pain points, what they’re looking for in your services, and, most importantly, the channels they’ll find you on.

Once you have your target audience defined, you can much more easily tailor your content and messaging to what they need to hear.

*If you need more help building out a detailed user persona, feel free to check out our recent blog on how to create a user persona!

2. Choose the Right Platforms

If you start off with building your user personas, then it should make it that much easier to choose the right platform to use to reach your target audience (we told you they’d be useful!).

You want a platform where your target audience can be found and engaged effectively. For instance, if your target audience consists mainly of professionals, platforms like LinkedIn might be your best bet.

On the other hand, if you’re targeting a younger demographic, platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, or TikTok might be more appropriate.

3. Create Valuable Content

Content is king, but it’s got to be the right kind of content, especially when it concerns legal marketing.

Consult your user personas to see what kind of content would work best for your brand and your target audience. If you need some ideas, here are some types of content that typically work well for law firms:

  • Blog Posts — Detailed articles on specific legal issues, changes in laws, or advice on common legal problems.
  • FAQs — Answers to frequently asked questions that discuss common client concerns and give you a chance to showcase your expertise.
  • Client Testimonials — Success stories and testimonials that build trust and credibility.
  • Video Content — Engaging and informative videos that explain complex legal concepts in an easy-to-digest way or provide quick legal tips.
  • Infographics — Visual representations of data related to your practice area, like process flows for legal procedures or statistics on case outcomes.
  • Case Studies — In-depth looks at particular cases you have handled, highlighting your strategy and the results you were able to achieve.
  • Newsletters — Regular updates that keep your clients informed about the latest developments in your practice area and news about your firm.
  • White Papers and eBooks — Longer, in-depth written works that delve into particular legal challenges or offer detailed guidance on specific areas of law.
  • Interactive Webinars — Live sessions that provide valuable insights and allow potential clients to ask questions directly, enhancing engagement.
  • Social Media Posts — Quick updates and posts that keep your firm top of mind for when legal needs arise among your followers.

Before you start cranking out the content, however, make sure the nature of your content and the tone it uses is one that best suits your practice, your target audience, and the platform you’re using. 

Informative articles and industry updates and insights might do great for professionals on LinkedIn, while more visual content like client testimonials or behind-the-scenes looks could be better suited to Instagram, Facebook, or X (Twitter).

*For more on law firm content marketing, check out this blog! 

4. Engage, Engage, Engage

A smartphone with avatars and chat bubbles on its screen. Engage your audience for best results!

Engagement is a two-way street!

If you want a following that cheerfully likes, shares, and comments on your posts, then you’ve got to engage with your audience. This means not only posting content that resonates with them but also actively participating in conversations, answering any questions thrown your way, and frequently showing appreciation for your follower’s inputs!

To position yourself as a legal brand that truly cares, then you’ve got to show it. Respond quickly to any comments and messages, ask for feedback, and just generally show that you value your opinions.

Once your audience knows that you’re active on the socials, you can try implementing the following tips to boost your engagement and create a community around your brand:

  • Polls or Quizzes — Engage your audience with fun elements like legal trivia, quizzes, or polls that invite them to share their opinions or test their knowledge.
  • Contests — Run contests that encourage participation by submitting stories or experiences, where winners can receive consultations or other legal service-related prizes.
  • Live Q&A Sessions — Schedule regular live streams where you answer legal questions in real time. This not only provides value but also increases transparency and trust.
  • Webinars and Workshops — Offer free webinars or workshops on common legal issues, such as creating a will, the basics of starting a small business, or tips for navigating local real estate laws.
  • User-Generated Content — Encourage your clients to share their experiences working with your firm, which can then be featured on your social media (ensure to get proper permissions to share their stories).
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content — Show the human side of your law firm with behind-the-scenes glimpses of your team in action, whether it's working on a case, volunteering in the community, or simply daily office life.
  • Infographics — Share visually appealing infographics that break down complex legal processes, such as the steps in a civil lawsuit or the timeline of a typical criminal case.
  • Case Studies and Success Stories — Highlight particular cases (with client consent and confidentiality, of curse) where your firm successfully helped clients, emphasizing the positive outcomes and your firm's role.

5. Put Some Thought into Your Visuals

If you want to grab attention on a busy, distracting platform like a social media page, then your visual content has to deliver.

For legal practices, this means creating visuals that are not only professional and align with your message but are interesting and visually pleasing enough for your followers to stop and take a second look.

Here are some tips:

  • Use High-Quality Images and Graphics — Whether it's photos of your team, infographics, or images of your office, make sure they are high quality, high-resolution, and properly formatted for each platform.
  • Video Content — Get your potential clients’ interest with short, engaging videos. What they are about can be up to you and your practice, but some common topics are breaking down complex legal concepts, discussing any relevant changes in law, or even showcasing client testimonials. Make sure the videos are professional looking and captioned to increase accessibility.
  • Consistent Branding — If your potential clients are following you on more than one platform, you want to make sure their experience is always a consistent one. Use the same colors, fonts, and logos across all of the visuals you create to strengthen brand recognition and build trust in your brand.
  • Visual Stories — Use stories on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn to create a more engaging, narrative-driven experience about topics like your day-to-day operations, any community involvement, or behind-the-scenes looks at how your team tackles legal challenges. This can add a personal touch to your content and make your practice seem more trustworthy, relatable, and accessible to any potential clients!

6. Use Positive Word of Mouth

There’s nothing you can post on your socials that will be as powerful and effective as positive word of mouth from one of your satisfied clients.

Because of this, we strongly recommend that you encourage your clients to share their experiences on platforms like Google Business and your social media reviews to boost your firm’s credibility and the quality of your legal services.

Don’t be afraid to incentivize either! Offering small tokens of appreciation, like discounted services or a gift card can be a great way to encourage your clients to leave testimonials on your site, to be featured in testimonial videos, or grant permission to have their situation and name featured in detailed case study write-ups that can be shared on social media.

Having this content on your socials will boost your credibility and position your firm as the ultimate solution to potential clients’ needs.

And remember, you can’t please everyone. You’re bound to get a bad review or angry comment once in a while. But the way you handle it can mitigate any damage and further demonstrate your firm’s commitment to client satisfaction. Respond quickly and thoughtfully, show empathy, and possibly offer to resolve any issues offline. 

7. Take Advantage of Paid Social Media Ads

A screen showing a bar graph, a megaphone, and an arrow clicking on a digital ad.

Using paid social media ads is an excellent way to boost your firm’s visibility and reach a more targeted audience.

Platforms like LinkedIn Ads and Facebook Ads especially offer powerful tools for segmenting and reaching different demographics, which makes them perfect places to connect with any potential clients.

Hire a graphic designer to make your ads as visually appealing as possible, lay them out correctly, and make sure they are conveying the right message at a glance. This will help you create effective ads to expand your reach, attract qualified leads, and increase your client acquisition!

8. Keep an Eye on Compliance

Being a law firm, you’re naturally expected to keep your social media activities up to the ethical standards and regulations of the legal industry. It would be pretty embarrassing if you didn’t.

So, to avoid a sticky situation, here are some best practices for keeping your content compliant:

  • Stay Up to Date with Advertising Rules — It’s a good idea for your social media team to regularly review the advertising guidelines issued by your state bar association to keep all social media posts up with the latest standards.
  • Maintain Client Confidentiality — Never share specific or identifiable client information without explicit consent. This means testimonials, quotes, anything you get from a client.
  • Avoid Giving Specific Legal Advice — Frame your social media content to provide general legal information rather than specific legal advice, to avoid creating any inadvertent attorney-client relationships.
  • Monitor and Approve Posts — Set up a process where all posts are reviewed and approved by a designated compliance officer or expert in your firm to catch any potential issues before they’re posted to the public.
  • Disclose Relationships and Endorsements — Clearly disclose any sponsorships, endorsements, or partnerships in your posts to maintain transparency and comply with FTC guidelines.
  • Use Disclaimers — Include disclaimers where appropriate, especially in posts that discuss legal topics, to make it clear that your content is general information and not legal advice.

9. Establish Thought Leadership

By regularly posting valuable content and general legal advice on your social media pages, you can start working towards positioning your firm and its attorneys and staff as thought leaders and experts in your specific area of law.

In time, your followers will know that your website and social pages are go-to resources for reliable information. Here are some effective ways to showcase your expertise and start building thought leadership:

  • Q&A Sessions — Host regular live Q&A sessions where your legal experts answer questions and provide general advice to the audience. This not only provides immediate value but also demonstrates your firm's accessibility and expertise.
  • Commentary on Recent Legal Developments — Offer insightful commentary on the latest legal changes and news. This highlights your firm’s ability to stay current in the legal landscape.
  • Educational Content — Create content that addresses common legal situations, like guides on how to navigate small claims court or what to expect when filing for divorce. This helps demystify legal situations for your audience and positions your firm as the guide they need to get them through it.
  • Resource Provision — Provide downloadable resources, like checklists for legal procedures or templates for contracts. These tools empower your clients and showcase your firm’s commitment to helping them.
  • Expert Articles and Blogs — Write articles or blog posts that do a deeper dive into specific legal issues and offer insight and advice that your audience won’t find anywhere else.
  • Participate in Legal Discussions — Engage in legal discussions on platforms like LinkedIn or legal forums. This increases your visibility and credibility both among your peers and any potential clients.
  • Webinars and Workshops — Organize webinars and workshops on topics that you specialize in, and your audience would find interesting. These sessions can cover anything from estate planning basics to business law for entrepreneurs.
  • Collaborate with Industry Experts — Collaborate with other experts in the field for joint presentations or discussions to expand your reach and add different perspectives to your content.

10. Watch Your Analytics

Of course, it’s important that you keep track of your social media marketing efforts to help you define what approaches are working and refine your strategies.

The great thing about social media platforms is that most have built-in analytics that provide valuable data on how your content is performing. Keeping track of metrics can gauge the success of your campaigns and help you narrow down the topics your followers are most interested in to better refine your strategies.

Here are some key metrics for you to keep an eye on:

  • Engagement Rate — This includes likes, comments, shares, and saves. High engagement rates usually indicate that your content is resonating well with your audience.
  • Reach and Impressions — Reach measures how many unique users see your content, while impressions track how often your content is displayed. These metrics help you see the spread and visibility of your posts.
  • Click-through Rate (CTR) — For posts with links (e.g., to your blog or website), the CTR indicates the percentage of viewers who click on the link. This metric is crucial for evaluating how effectively your content is driving traffic to your pages.
  • Follower Growth — Tracking how your follower base grows over time can help gauge brand awareness and the effectiveness of your content strategy in attracting new audiences.
  • Conversion Rate — This is especially important if you're running ads or aiming to convert viewers into clients. Conversion rate measures the percentage of users who take a desired action (like filling out a contact form, signing up for a webinar, or scheduling a consultation) after interacting with your content.
  • Video Views and Watch Time — For any video content, how many views it gets and how much of the video people watch are important indicators of content engagement and effectiveness.
  • Post Reach by Type of Content — Differentiating which types of posts (text, images, videos, links) perform best can help you refine your content strategy to put more effort toward what’s working best.
  • Sentiment Analysis — Gauging public sentiment, whether positive, negative, or neutral, can provide insight into how your brand is perceived and what areas might need improvement.
  • Mentions and Shares —Tracking how often your firm is mentioned or how often your content is shared can indicate your brand's influence and reach on social media.
  • Response Rate and Time —Particularly for service-oriented businesses like law firms, how quickly and effectively you respond to questions or comments on social media can affect client satisfaction and perception.

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Looking for a New Kind of Partner?

And if your law firm is one that would like to put the above social media marketing tips into action, only you lack the creative team, the manpower, and the social media tools or savvy to do so effectively then we have one more tip to offer.

Why not make Designity your newest partner?

Designity is made up of the top 3% of all of the talented creatives that apply every year, meaning that our talent pool is the best of the best in fields like graphic design, social media strategy, copywriting, and any other expertise your next social media campaign could need.

And with your account under the leadership of a Creative Director, a seasoned pro with 10+ years of experience in design and marketing, all you have to do is fill us in on your goals, your brand, and the kind of legal content you’re looking for and sit back and wait as your team delivers.

Check out our community portfolio and see what our innovative Creative as a Service platform has been able to do for legal brands just like yours.

And when you’re ready, go ahead and click here to book a demo call so we can get you started with a two-week, no-obligation trial to let you test drive our services and get a taste for what a partnership with Designity could be like!

Are you ready to boost your social media marketing strategies in 2024?

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Sara, a Designity content writer.
About the author:
Sara Lopez
Sara is a Texas-based copywriter.
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