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Tools to Elevate Your Next eCommerce Marketing Campaign

March 13, 2024
min read
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If you’re running an eCommerce website, you probably don’t need us to tell you that eCommerce marketing is an ever-evolving field.

That means if you want to keep up with the competition, your marketing strategies need constant innovation and adaptation to satisfy your consumers and keep them coming back to your online store over and over again.

It’s a tough job, we know, but, with the right tools, it can be made a whole lot easier.

And what are the right tools, you ask?

Today’s blog has what you need! From automating mundane tasks to boosting your SEO for more organic traffic, we’re bringing you a list of the tools you need to optimize your eCommerce store, start attracting more customers, and turn one-time buyers into cheerful brand advocates!

Why Are the Right Tools Important for eCommerce Marketing?

The right tools not only make it easier to manage your online store but can enhance your eCommerce marketing strategies and improve the online shopping experience for your target audience.

Here are some more reasons why your eCommerce store needs to invest in the right tools if it wants to succeed:

  • Efficiency and Automation — eCommerce marketing for small businesses and large businesses alike involves a lot of repetitive and time-consuming tasks, like email campaign management, social media posting, and customer segmentation. The right tools can automate these processes, saving valuable time and resources, and allowing your team to focus on strategy and creativity rather than getting bogged down in routine tasks.
  • Data-Driven Decisions — Understanding customer behavior, preferences, and trends is essential in order to create effective marketing strategies. The right tools provide analytics and insights, enabling your business to make informed decisions based on actual data rather than guesswork. This leads to more targeted campaigns, improved customer experiences, and ultimately, higher conversion rates.
  • Personalization — Today’s consumers expect a personalized shopping experience. The right eCommerce marketing tools can analyze customer data to deliver personalized content, recommendations, and offers to individual customers. This level of personalization enhances the customer experience, increases loyalty, and boosts your sales.
  • Scalability — As your eCommerce business grows, the complexity of your marketing efforts will have to grow right along with it. The right tools are scalable, meaning they can grow with your business. This prevents the need for frequent tool changes or upgrades, which can be very costly and disruptive as your team must take the time to learn new tools and interfaces.
  • Competitive Advantage — The eCommerce space is highly competitive. Businesses that take advantage of the latest tools and technologies tend to gain a significant competitive advantage. Whether it’s through advanced SEO, sophisticated email marketing platforms, or cutting-edge social media strategies, the right tools can help your brand stand out in a crowded market.
  • Customer Engagement and Retention — Engaging with your customers and retaining them is crucial for the long-term success of your online store. Tools that offer features like social media management, live chat, loyalty programs, and feedback mechanisms help keep the conversation going with customers, improve service, and encourage repeat business.
  • Cost Reduction — While there’s an upfront investment in acquiring the right tools, over time, they can significantly reduce marketing costs. By automating tasks, providing insights for more effective campaigns, and improving conversion rates, these tools offer a high return on investment.

The Best Tools for Your Next eCommerce Marketing Campaign

A wrench and a screwdriver, for the best eCommerce marketing tools.

Ready to start exploring the tools that have the potential to elevate your business and start boosting your sales?

Here is a handpicked list of the best tools to enhance your next eCommerce marketing campaign, divided by category for your convenience. Have a look and find the tools that work best for your online store and your workflow!

Email Marketing Tools

The following tools are designed to elevate and streamline your email marketing campaigns. 

They offer features for creating, sending, and analyzing email communications to make it easier and more convenient to connect with your customers and personalize their content.


Mailchimp is one of the most user-friendly email marketing platforms you can find today.

It’s perfect for eCommerce stores because it offers features like advanced segmentation and automated campaigns, and directly integrates with many popular eCommerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce.

This allows for a more personalized touch to your marketing campaigns based on things like user behavior, purchase history, and customer preferences.


Klaviyo shines as an advanced email marketing automation platform specifically designed with eCommerce businesses in mind. 

It offers integration with many eCommerce platforms, which enables real-time data transfer and more personalized email sequences based on customer behaviors like abandoning a cart or completing a purchase. This lets you effectively target your customers with tailored messages like product recommendations, discounts, and restock alerts.



Zoho Campaigns offers an effective email marketing solution that integrates with Zoho CRM and other sales and marketing tools.

It’s particularly useful for eCommerce stores that use the Zoho Suite, allowing for real-time data transfer and targeted campaigns based on the platform’s customer insights.

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is a well-known email marketing tool, with a huge library of templates that make it a great choice for those new to email marketing or with limited design skills.

It also offers features like automation, segmentation, and detailed reporting to let you create engaging and mobile-optimized emails that can drive sales and boost your customer loyalty!

Social Media Marketing Tools

These tools are designed to give your eCommerce’s social media marketing efforts the boost they need.


Whether you want to increase your social media presence or engage more frequently with your followers, the following tools give you what you need to get it done!


Hootsuite is a comprehensive social media management platform that lets you schedule posts, track your social media traffic, and manage multiple social accounts from a single dashboard.

For eCommerce social media marketing, Hootsuite is a very valuable tool since it not only helps organize and automate your social media content but also provides much-needed analytics to help you understand customer engagement and fine-tune your strategies to meet their needs.

It can also monitor online mentions and conversations about your brand, feedback that can help you quickly address customer concerns and optimize your customer service.


Buffer is a simple and easy-to-use social media management platform that lets you schedule posts, analyze the performance of your campaigns, and manage multiple social accounts. Very useful for eCommerce stores looking to maintain a consistent online presence without taking up hours and hours of their day!

Buffer’s analytics tools also let you measure your social campaign’s impact to allocate resources to your most effective efforts and help you refine your strategies.

Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a popular social media management platform, very popular for its advanced set of features, like content scheduling, response management, and in-depth analytics.

If you need comprehensive reporting tools and the ability to listen to social conversations, then Sprout Social may be the tool you need for insight into customer sentiment and overall brand perception.

Sprout Social also makes it possible for teams to work together on social campaigns due to its easy-to-use collaboration features. Perfect for eCommerce brands looking to scale up their social media presence.

SEO and Content Marketing Tools

An open laptop with a magnifying glass highlighting the word SEO in a search bar.

If you want to boost your visibility and make it easier for potential customers to find you, then having the right eCommerce content marketing and SEO tools in your arsenal is a necessity.

The following tools are designed to improve your website’s visibility on search engines, improve your content’s reach, and boost your eCommerce SEO strategies to drive more traffic to your website. 


SEMRush is a useful SEO toolkit that offers a wide range of features, including keyword research, site audits, competitor analysis, and much more.

For an eCommerce business, SEMRush is particularly useful because it lets you identify the keywords your potential customers are using in search engines, tracks your rankings, offers comparisons for content topics, and even analyzes the SEO strategies of your competitors.

All of this is useful insight to help you optimize your product pages and other content to attract more users and, in doing so, increase your sales.


Ahrefs is another useful SEO tool, known for its powerful backlink analysis capabilities.

Like SEMRush, it offers features for keyword research, competitor research, content exploration, and rank tracking.

eCommerce businesses can use Ahrefs to find ideas for valuable content, monitor for new backlink opportunities, even keep a close eye on their biggest competitors. Improving your backlinks and optimizing keywords contribute to a higher SERP ranking and increased organic traffic to your site!

Yoast SEO

If you’re hosting on WordPress, Yoast SEO is a very popular plugin that makes it easy and convenient to optimize your website, even for those with little SEO knowledge.

It guides users through technical content like meta tags, readability, and XML sitemaps, simplifying the process of creating product descriptions, blog posts, and other content that are search engine friendly.

Ad Platforms

To get your brand the love it deserves, you’ve got to master the right eCommerce digital marketing ad platforms.

The following digital ad platforms come with powerful tools for creating targeted campaigns that help you connect with the right audience at the right time. Have a look at our favorites and see which features would work best for your audience!

Google Ads

Google Ads is a giant in online advertising. 

With reach across the vast Google Search Network and Google Display Network, using this platform gives your eCommerce business the ability to target potential customers on one of the most popular search engines there is, making it highly effective for driving traffic to your site.

It’s also equipped with extensive analytics and targeting options, making Google Ads one of your best bets to help you reach customers in need of your products.

YouTube Ads

YouTube Ads has the world’s biggest search engine, second only to reigning king, Google.

If your eCommerce brand’s ads would do best on video, YouTube is the way to go, offering advertising options that can capture the attention of potential customers in an engaging way.

If you’ve got a product that would benefit from video demonstrations, then YouTube ads are invaluable for showcasing your goods, building brand awareness, and targeting your audience based on their interest and demographics.

Facebook Ads

If your customer base is on Facebook, then Facebook is where you need to be too.

Facebook Ads offer access to a huge user base with sophisticated targeting options, including interests, behaviors, and demographics.

Ideal for eCommerce stores looking to increase their brand visibility, promote specific products, and retarget their website visitors on social media! Facebook Ads also integrates with Instagram Ads to widen your horizons and maximize your reach.

Microsoft Advertising

Formerly Bing Ads, Microsoft Advertising provides your eCommerce store with the opportunity to reach a unique audience in a space that isn’t quite as saturated as Google’s.

With a similar pay-per-click model and plenty of targeting options, Microsoft Advertising can be a more cost-effective choice for eCommerce businesses looking to expand beyond Google, especially if their demographic consists of older generations who prefer the less flashy Bing search engine.

CRM Tools

To build lasting relationships with your customers and keep track of your interactions, you’re going to need the right CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools for the job.

The following CRM tools help you to streamline communication, manage customer data efficiently, and personalize the customer experience so that your brand can make every interaction count.


Salesforce is a powerhouse among CRM tools. 

It offers a highly customizable platform that lets eCommerce businesses easily manage customer data, sales, and marketing efforts all in one place.

It also has extensive integration capabilities, meaning you can connect Salesforce to your eCommerce platform, email marketing tools, social media, and more, for an easier and more manageable view of your customer interactions.

For eCommerce stores, this insight is crucial for helping them tailor marketing and sales strategies to improve customer engagement and boost their sales.

HubSpot CRM

Another CRM powerhouse, HubSpot CRM is a very popular choice amongst businesses for its user-friendly interface and large set of tools that cover everything from sales to marketing to customer service.

For eCommerce businesses, HubSpot offers easy integration with other websites and social media, automated marketing campaigns, email tracking, and detailed analytics. These features make it easier to attract, engage, and delight your customers at each stage of their journey to encourage loyalty and repeat sales.


Zendesk specializes in customer service and engagement tools but also offers CRM capabilities through Zendesk Sell, which focuses on sales force automation and communication between sales teams and their prospects.

For eCommerce businesses, Zendesk’s strong support platform makes it an ideal choice, enabling great customer service across multiple channels, like email, chat, and social media.

By streamlining customer interactions and providing detailed insight into their needs and behaviors, Zendesk is capable of helping your eCommerce site build better relationships, improve reputation, and boost customer satisfaction.

Analytics and Data Analysis Tools

If you want your eCommerce store to be successful, it’s crucial that you be able to not only gather the right data but interpret it correctly.

The following analytics tools offer insight into customer behavior, site performances, and sales trends so that you can make data-driven decisions that support your growth and site optimization!

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an extremely useful (and free!) tool for understanding how visitors interact with your eCommerce website, providing data on traffic sources, user behavior, conversion rates, and more.

Its detailed reporting on how your customers are finding and using your site lets eCommerce businesses know what's working and what isn't with their marketing efforts, making it possible to refine their strategies, enhance user experience, and increase their conversions.


Hotjar is an analytics and data tool that specializes in providing qualitative insights.

Through its heatmaps, session recordings, and surveys, Hotjar is an excellent way for eCommerce sites to understand the "why" behind user actions. It is also invaluable for spotting friction points on your website and making data-driven decisions on how to improve site design and functionality to create a better overall user experience.


A popular tool due to its advanced data visualization capabilities, Tableau turns your complex data sets into easy-to-understand insights.

For eCommerce businesses, this means being able to quickly identify trends, track your sales performance, and better understand your customers' preferences. All of this useful data makes it possible to make strategic decisions, tailor your marketing strategies, and optimize your product offerings.

Conversion Rate Optimization Tools

To be a successful eCommerce site, you’ve got to convert those visitors into sales!

Use any of the following conversion rate optimization tools to not only improve the user experience of your website to increase sales but to gain the insight you need to refine your strategies and effectively boost your conversion rates.


Optimizely is a leading platform for experimentation and personalization, allowing eCommerce businesses to conduct useful A/B testing, multivariate testing, and other personalization strategies across their sites and mobile apps.

This helps you to identify the most effective content, layout, and features that drive sales and increase conversion rates.

Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg is a valuable CRO tool that provides very detailed heatmaps, scroll maps, and click reports, which makes it easy to see how your users are interacting with your site.

Being able to understand this information is crucial for eCommerce businesses because it enables them to make data-driven decisions about elements like design and content to improve the user experience and make it more likely that your visitors convert.

VWO (Visual Website Optimizer)

VWO offers a whole suite of testing and optimization tools, including A/B testing, split URL testing, and behavioral targeting.

This is great for eCommerce businesses because it allows them to test different versions of their site to pinpoint which elements are either encouraging or discouraging sales. Just refine and improve what’s needed to maximize your conversion rates.


Unbounce’s speciality is creating and testing landing pages without the need to know how to code.

With its user-friendly, drag-and-drop builder and large offering of pre-made templates, eCommerce businesses can quickly and easily develop high-converting landing pages, no matter what their skill level might be.

Once you’ve got a landing page, use Unbounce’s testing capabilities to make sure that it stays optimized for the highest possible conversion rates.


Mouseflow is a CRO tool that tracks website visitors’ behavior through session replay, heatmaps, funnels, and form analytics. 

This understanding of user behavior is extremely valuable for eCommerce sites because it allows them to diagnose any usability issues, optimize the user journey, and remove any elements that are acting as barriers to potential conversions to improve site performance and conversion rates.

eCommerce Platforms

A shopping cart on a store layout that is also a computer screen.

Getting your online store off the ground with the right eCommerce platform is where it all starts.

If you’re still deciding where to host your online store, check out these following platforms. They offer helpful features to build, manage, and scale your business to create a positive shopping experience and keep your visitors coming back for more!


One of the bigger players in the game, Shopify is an all-in-one commerce platform that makes it easy to launch your online store.

It’s designed with businesses of all sizes in mind, offering you customizable templates, an app store, and integration with a variety of different payment gateways.

Shopify is also user-friendly, with a simple interface and plenty of customer support, making it ideal for those looking to get started in eCommerce and scale quickly.

Adobe Commerce

Formerly Magento, Adobe Commerce is a powerful, open-source platform, very popular due to its flexibility and scalability. 

It’s best suited for medium to large-sized eCommerce businesses that require custom solutions and have either a tech team or the resources to manage more complex systems. Featuring plenty of customization options and features, Adobe Commerce is great for creating a robust online store your customers will love.


WooCommerce is a free WordPress plugin that adds eCommerce functionality to your existing website, turning it into a fully functional online store.

Perfect for small to medium-sized businesses already using WordPress sites, it offers lots of customization options through thousands of plugins and themes. A very popular choice for businesses looking to add an online store to their existing WordPress site.


This cloud-based eCommerce platform offers a huge set of features right out of the box.

It’s designed for businesses of any size, from tiny startups to corporate enterprises, offering scalability, multi-channel selling, and plenty of customization options.

BigCommerce is easy to use and designed to support your business growth.


Squarespace is a popular eCommerce platform, known for its sleek pre-made templates and user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.

Its ease of use makes it perfect for eCommerce businesses looking to design beautiful-designed online stores to sell their products.

While it may not have as many advanced features as other players in the game, its simplicity, ease of use, and visually pleasing aesthetics make it a great choice for small businesses, individual artists and crafters, and other creatives looking to sell their goods online with minimal fuss.

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Designity: Your All-in-One eCommerce Marketing Toolkit

Of course, even with the eCommerce marketing tools in your arsenal, you’re still going to need an expert to use them effectively and assist with the strategies you need to succeed.

There are a few ways you can find those experts.

You can look for an eCommerce marketing agency, though they often come with costly retainers that smaller companies can’t afford.

You can also look for freelancers. Just be careful that you properly vet your newest team member to make sure they truly have the skills your brand needs and are a reliable and hard-working addition to your team.

Or you can simply go with Designity.

Designity is made up of the top 3% of US-based creatives and each account is led by an experienced and dedicated Creative Director to assist with marketing strategy and make sure that your brand has all the assets you need when you need them. Designity is a tech-enabled and future-ready platform that is up to date with all of the latest eCommerce digital marketing trends and equipped with all of the tools you read about in this article.

No need to license or purchase the tools above. Just partner with Designity and reap the benefit of our technology prowess to enhance your eCommerce store.

Why not have a look at our portfolio and see if our style vibes with yours? When you’re ready, go and book your demo call and let’s get you started with your two-week, no-obligation trial.

Are you ready to elevate your eCommerce business?

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Sara, a Designity content writer.
About the author:
Sara Lopez
Sara is a Texas-based copywriter.
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