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Tips and Tricks for Effective Dental Web Design

May 9, 2024
min read
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Like most healthcare practices, a website is the first point of contact for potential patients, and, like most healthcare practices, that website has really got to deliver if that clinic wants to attract new patients and keep their current ones.

In the healthcare industry, where trust and credibility are of the utmost importance, a dental website has to wear many hats; it must provide accessible information, reassure patients, and present an overall clean and professional image that reflects the level of care prospective patients can expect from its services!

It’s a lot, we know. So, how do you get it done while still providing your dental web design client with a website that is both aesthetically pleasing and delivering on all cylinders?

Consider today’s blog your guide.

We’re going through the essentials of dental web design so you can start creating sites that are not just beautiful but an important part of your client’s success! 

Why Dental Website Design is So Important

Quick show of hands: How many of you look forward to going to the dentist? 

That’s what we thought. 

So, for a dental clinic, their website is their first and best way to flip the script on how most people feel about visits to the dentist. Dentist trips are anxiety-inducing enough as is, so their website must have elements that ease anxiety (quick, when’s the last time you flossed?), provide information clients are looking for, and showcase that clinic’s professionalism, expertise, and warmth.

Here are some additional reasons why dental clinic’s web design is important to their practice:

  • First Impressions Matter — For many potential patients, a dental clinic's website is their first point of contact. A website that is outdated, slow, or difficult to navigate instantly creates a negative first impression, possibly even turning away prospective patients before they even consider booking an appointment.
  • Professionalism and Quality — High-quality web design gives off a sense of professionalism and credibility, which can reassure a nervous patient that they are looking at a reputable and trustworthy clinic for their dental needs.
  • Convenience — A good website design includes features that make the experience more convenient for patients, like online appointment booking, easy access to forms, and clear, can’t-miss-it contact information. 
  • Source of Valuable Info — Many patients use their dental clinics' websites to learn about dental health or treatments they might need or be considering. An effective web design makes it easy for them to do so, keeping educational and informative content organized and in an easily accessible place.
  • Competitive Advantage — With so many dental clinics to choose from, a compelling and well-designed website can often be the deciding factor. It can highlight unique selling points, services, and the clinic’s personality, helping to attract patients who are a good fit.
  • SEO and Online Visibility — Web design impacts search engine optimization (SEO). A well-designed, mobile-responsive website with fast load times and well-structured content will rank higher in search engine results every time, making it more likely that potential patients will find the clinic during a routine Google search.
  • Marketing and Patient Communication — A dental clinic’s website serves as a hub for both marketing efforts and patient communication. It can host a blog, patient testimonials, and links to its social media pages, for a more comprehensive digital marketing strategy.
  • Building Trust — Elements like patient reviews, before-and-after photo galleries, and detailed bios of the dental team can help build trust with potential patients. Trust is essential in healthcare, where patients are making decisions about their well-being and something as important and visible as their smile!
  • Reflecting Clinic Values — Through its design, a website can communicate the clinic's values and approach to patient care. This can help patients know what to expect before they get there.

Essential Dental Web Design Elements

A computer monitor with elements of web design, like pel tool, pencil, and magnifying glass.

Now that you know just how important a dental clinic’s web design is to the success of their practice, it’s time for some tips to help you hit the mark with your next dental web design project!

The following are elements that a successful dental website absolutely must have:

1. User-Friendly Navigation

Needing a dentist is stressful enough, so navigating a dental clinic’s website should be easy.

Make sure the website structure is logical, with clearly marked categories and an easy and straightforward menu that lets visitors quickly find what they’re looking for.

Many of the patients who are visiting a dental website are already pretty close to making a decision regarding their dental care and, to act on that, they’ll need contact information. To avoid your client losing any potential patients right at the 1-yard line, be sure that any contact information or clickable buttons are easy to find with clearly marked CTAs for options like seeing a calendar, booking an appointment, or leaving a review.

To make the site even more user-friendly, consider adding a search bar feature in a prominent location on the homepage to allow patients to easily and conveniently search for what they need.

2. The Right Visuals

The visuals on a dental website play a big role in conveying the atmosphere and professionalism of a clinic.

So, to get your client’s clinic the best possible representation, be sure to choose a soothing color palette for the website with colors that align with your client’s brand identity and their overall vibe, as well as their audience’s preferences.

There should also be photos of the clinic to let visitors know exactly what to expect.

Use only high-quality, high-resolution images that accurately represent the facilities, showing off welcoming photos of places like the waiting room, exam rooms, staff in action, and any fancy equipment they want to show off.

Be sure to also include some before-and-afters of patients to showcase the benefits of your client’s services!

3. The Right Vibe

A dental website must have a welcoming vibe to make patients feel at ease and ward off any hesitation about booking an appointment. 

Use colors, calming imagery, and gentle typography, perhaps paired with friendly copy and a reassuring message from the dental team to create the welcoming atmosphere that patients want to see.

Be sure to not overdo it, though. You want to balance professionalism with a friendly tone in your design and copy.

If you’re looking for some pointers on color psychology, here are some things to keep in mind: 

  • Blue — Often associated with healthcare, blue conveys trust, calm, and professionalism. It's soothing and can help reduce anxiety.
  • Green — Symbolizes health, tranquility, and nature. Green can create a calming atmosphere, making it a great choice for dental websites.
  • White — Represents cleanliness and simplicity. Using white space effectively can make your website feel more open and less cluttered, which is reassuring to visitors.
  • Soft Neutrals — Beige, gray, and soft pastels can contribute to a calm and welcoming vibe without overwhelming the senses.
  • Accent Colors — Brighter colors like orange or teal can be used sparingly as accents to draw attention to calls to action or important information without sacrificing the overall serene feel.

4. Responsive Design

It’s 2024 and, chances are, many of your client’s potential patients will be making appointments and scrolling through the practice’s website from a smartphone.

Because of this, you’ll want to make sure that the site is optimized for mobile devices with responsive design, fast load times, and optimized images so that it’s delivering a great experience for current and potential patients, regardless of where they do their web surfing.

5. Social Proof

Social proof (n.): The psychological and social phenomenon where people are influenced in their decision-making by seeing others behave in a given situation.

No surprise, there; our parents didn’t warn us about peer pressure for nothing.

This also means that if you want potential patients to give your client’s clinic a shot, then showing off other people who have already done so will help you get them on board.

Consider featuring elements like customer testimonials and reviews (in both text and video form if your client can provide it!) on the homepage as well as reassuring messages from the dental team.

This helps build trust and encourages more potential patients to book appointments and even engage further by following the clinic on social media.

Kicking it Up a Notch for a Great User Experience

Two purple captions with gold stars in them, for a great user experience.

Once you’ve given your dental clinic the essentials, you can then really differentiate them from the crowd by adding the following elements to their design!

1. Online Appointment Booking

People like things to be as easy and hassle-free as possible.

By including an intuitive and easy-to-use booking system right on your client’s website, you make it that much easier for prospective patients to select their services, look through available appointment times, and easily and conveniently book their appointments without having to call first.

This convenience can lead to increased bookings and a larger patient load for your client.

*If online booking is a first for your client, be sure to let them know to follow through on their patient’s booked appointments by syncing this system with the office’s calendar to avoid double bookings and to put the patient’s email on a list for automated reminders to reduce no-shows. 

2. Interactive Elements

Interactive elements can really set your client’s dental clinic apart from the competition. 

Here are some engaging and interactive elements to consider adding to their site for that extra something they (and their patients!) might be looking for!

  • Virtual Tours — Offer virtual tours of the clinic to help new patients familiarize themselves with the environment, reducing any anxiety about a cleaning and building trust with the clinic.
  • Educational Quizzes — Create interactive quizzes to engage both current and prospective patients on topics related to dental health, adding to their knowledge and getting them curious about their oral health!
  • Before and After Sliders — Use a before and after slider for cosmetic dentistry (braces, teeth whitening, veneers, dental implants, etc.) to visually showcase the results of treatments.

3. Optimizing for SEO

The more visible your client’s clinic is online, the more patients it’ll attract.

The key to this lies in SEO strategies (particularly local SEO strategies), so be sure the site is optimized for mobile, loads quickly, and that all images have keyword-rich alt tags.

If they don’t have a copywriter working for them, suggest it, because a good copywriter will know how to use tools like SEMRush or Google Keyword Planner, and how to use relevant keywords strategically and naturally through the site’s content in places like service descriptions, blog posts, meta descriptions, and more to boost SEO and improve search engine rankings.

Common Design Challenges and How to Overcome Them

A computer screen with a yield sign in front of it, for common dental web design challenges.

As with all healthcare websites, there are some challenges and limitations to consider while you work.

Here are three of the most common and tips to help you get around the challenges and create the dental website a clinic dreams of having:

Aesthetics vs. Functionality

Balance is key here.

Aim for a design that is visually appealing, mobile-responsive, and functional. Focus on navigation first and make sure that your design elements, colors, and images don’t overpower the site’s functionality.

HIPAA Compliance

Privacy is crucial in any healthcare facility.

Make sure that a privacy policy is displayed prominently on the home page and that it outlines how patient information is used and protected.

Trust signals are also very useful here, in the same way social proof is. Displaying things like the clinic’s accreditations and certifications, awards, and badges that indicate a site’s SSL certificates and antivirus protection can go a long way toward making a facility seem reputable and keep patients feeling safe.

Keeping up with Trends

If you’re sticking with your client for the long term, be sure to keep yourself updated on the latest web design and UX trends by subscribing to industry blogs, attending webinars, or reading up on online forums.

This will give you the tools you need to keep your client’s site updated and modern to keep attracting new visitors and booking patients!

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Looking for Dental Websites to Master?

If you’ve got the skills you need and are looking for places to apply them, then we have one more tip for you before you go:

Why not consider joining the Designity community?

Designity creatives are part of an elite group of highly talented individuals, including web designers, web developers, graphic designers, copywriters, and more, and, as far as we’re concerned, there’s always room for one more.

As a Designity Creative, you’d enjoy perks like competitive pay, a wide variety of clients and projects to choose from, flexible hours, and, best of all, a 100% work environment.

Think you’ve got what it takes to be a part of the creative community? Put your skills to the test with our one-of-a-kind application process!

We can’t wait to meet you.

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Sara Lopez
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