Blog > AI/Tech > NFTs > How to Incorporate NFT Marketing into Your Digital Strategy

Your Guide to NFT Marketing

September 18, 2024
min read
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If you’re a marketer who is anything like us, you’re always on the lookout for new ways to engage your audience and keep your brand ahead of your competitors.

So, why not give non-fungible tokens (NFTs) a shot?

Far from being a 2021 fad gone by, NFTs are enjoying resurgence in pop culture lately and have transformed into a powerful marketing tool!

If your brand is looking for an opportunity to create exclusive assets, build a strong community around your brand, and generate new streams of revenue, then NFTs might just be the answer you’re looking for!

Which is why today’s blog is bringing you the best tips and tricks for effectively incorporating NFT marketing into your digital strategy.

Let’s dive in!

What is NFT Marketing?

Just in case you’re asking yourself, “what is an NFT?,” we’ll give you a refresher. 

NFTs are unique digital assets, often in the form of digital art, video, music, collectibles, and even virtual products, that are verified and secured via blockchain technology. Unlike traditional digital files, NFTs are one-of-a-kind and cannot be replicated (since the original and only the original is tokenized on the blockchain). This creates value through exclusivity and ownership.

NFT marketing refers to the use of these NFTs on your social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, and as part of your brand’s overall digital marketing strategy to engage your audience, encourage brand loyalty, and enjoy a new revenue stream.

Why NFT Marketing?

The reason why brands are choosing NFT marketing is because of the unique advantages it can offer your brand that set it apart from other more traditional digital marketing techniques.

Here are more key reasons why NFT marketing is becoming so popular with forward-thinking marketers:

  • Exclusivity and Scarcity Drive Demand — NFTs are unique or part of a limited series, which makes them highly valuable to consumers who value that exclusivity. This can also help drive demand and excitement in the same way that limited-edition physical products do (think Beanie Babies, signed baseball cards, or rare sneakers, etc.).
  • New Revenue Streams — NFTs provide brands with the opportunity to sell unique digital assets like artwork and other virtual merchandise. This, of course, creates new channels to pick up revenue. Add in smart contracts and brands can earn ongoing royalties each time the NFT is resold.
  • Deeper Engagement and Community Building — NFTs can create interactive experiences for your customers by offering access to exclusive content, virtual events, or even physical rewards. This builds up a community around your brand and makes your audience a more active part of it.
  • Strengthened Brand Identity — Using NFTs positions brands as innovative and forward-thinking; very appealing to younger, more tech-savvy audiences. NFTs also allow for creative expressions, letting brands create unique experiences that align with their identity and differentiate themselves from the competition.
  • Reaching New, Tech-Savvy Audiences — NFTs are particularly appealing to Gen Z and Millennials, who are more invested in digital trends and value ownership of digital assets more than their parents did. 
  • Enhancing Loyalty Programs and Customer Retention — NFTs can be used as rewards for loyal customers, offering them exclusive access to content, discounts, or early product releases. This added layer of exclusivity boosts customer relationships and provides ongoing engagement opportunities.
  • Transparent and Secure Ownership — NFTs are verified by blockchain technology, ensuring transparent, tamper-proof ownership. This added security and traceability builds trust with customers, especially when dealing with high-value digital assets or limited-edition content.
  • Charitable and Social Impact — Brands can easily link NFTs to charitable causes (e.g., a portion of the proceeds goes to support important social issues). This approach appeals to your more socially conscious consumers and can position your brand more positively.
  • Longevity and Resale Value — Unlike traditional digital assets, NFTs continue to generate brand awareness in secondary markets as users buy and sell NFTs in marketplaces. Benefit from the ongoing relevance and visibility of your NFTs, even as they change hands.

8 Tips for Incorporating NFTs into Your Marketing Strategy

Ready to start adding NFTs into your marketing strategy?

That’s a fine idea, friend. To help get you started, here are 8 practical tips to start incorporating NFTs into your digital strategies as soon as possible!

1. Create Branded NFTs

A 3D illustration of an NFT with an image, for creating branded NFTs, an NFT marketing tip.

Boost your brand by creating unique, branded NFTs that reflect your brand identity, your products/services, or your core values.

Your NFTs can range anywhere from digital artwork to tokenized experiences, all tied back to your brand’s vibe and message.

Remember, the keys to a successful branded NFT and creating a buzz are:

  1. Exclusivity. Offering a limited number of NFTs or designing one-of-a-kind assets will appeal to collectors and create a sense of scarcity that builds hype.
  2. Originality. This is equally important. Collectors are drawn to creative and unique concepts that they can’t get anywhere else.

By offering branded NFTs, your brand can boost your customers' engagement, give your followers a new way to connect with your brand, and amplify awareness all at once!

Examples of Branded NFTs

  • Nike — Nike is one of the biggest brands to embrace the NFT space with a variety of virtual products. Check them out here on Nike’s virtual product page.
  • McDonald’sMcDonald’s created a buzz with their first-ever NFT in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the McRib sandwich.
  • CliniqueClinique is getting in on the NFT game, giving their customers a chance to win their first-ever NFT.
  • Budweiser — Budweiser ventured into the NFT space with their collection called “Budweiser Heritage Cans.

2. Partner with Influencers and Creators

If it works with your brand image and your audience, collaborating with influencers and creators who are established in the NFT space can offer your brand a great way to boost your reach and your credibility.

Influencers and creators usually have their own built-in audience who are more likely to trust and engage with an NFT collection that is being promoted by someone they trust.

Plus, partnering with well-known creators can work to boost the perceived value of your NFTs.

Just be sure you follow these rules for choosing an NFT partner:

  • Look for creators who have a big following and that also resonate with your target audience.
  • Choose a partner whose overall style vibes with your brand so that the partnership feels more authentic.
  • Consider someone who will not only promote your NFTs but co-brand a project with you to expand both of your reach.

Examples of Brands Collaborating with an NFT Partner

  • Adidas and FewociousAdidas partnered with NFT artist Fewocious to release a limited-edition collection of virtual and physical sneakers.
  • Louis Vuitton and Beeple — Luxury icon Louis Vuitton teamed up with popular NFT artist Beeple to create a series of digital art for their mobile game, Louis: The Game.
  • Budweiser — Budweiser makes the list again for their collaboration with NFT artist Tom Sachs for their Rocket Factory project.

3. Limited Editions and NFT Drops

As we mentioned earlier, limited-edition NFTs are a powerful tool for brands to create scarcity and drive demand and hype.

NFT collectors (and collectors in general) want to own something rare. So, tap into that psyche and create a sense of urgency by offering a finite number of your NFTs.

The same principle also extends to NFTs drop. By making your NFTs (or your limited-edition NFTs!)  only available for a short time, you can also create anticipation, get your audience excited, and encourage sellouts in no time!

Be sure to get your marketing efforts in on the action too! Use countdown timers on your website, teaser posts on social media, and email campaigns to generate buzz and keep your audience engaged!

  • Coca-Cola — Coca-Cola’s Masterpiece digital art collection brought in huge profits for their brand during a 72-hour sale.
  • Nike — Nike’s Cryptokicks are highly sought-after limited-edition digital shoes that customers can even customize.
  • Ray-BanRay-Ban released a limited-edition NFT of their iconic Aviator sunglasses that built hype and sold out within minutes.

4. NFT Gated Content

Two locks for gated content, an NFT marketing tip.

Gated content refers to any type of online material (e.g., an article, video, resource) that is restricted and accessible only to users who meet certain conditions, like a pay wall or filling out a form.

With NFT gated content, this condition is owning a specific digital asset.

This allows brands to offer exclusive access to premium products or experiences that are only accessible to those who own that specific NFT. 

Whether it’s a behind-the-scenes interview or video, early access to material, VIP event invitations, or any kind of special digital experience, attaching those perks to your NFTs boost the value of your creations and strengthen the loyalty of the collectors in your audience!

Examples of Brands Using NFTs for Gated Content

  • Adidas — Adidas’s Into the Metaverse project gives holders access to exclusive Adidas merchandise and digital experiences.
  • Coachella — Coachella partnered up with FTX to release NFT Access Passes, granting purchasers lifetime access to the festival and exclusive festival experiences!
  • Time Magazine — TIME Magazine launched their “TIMEPieces,” a collection of NFTs that provide gated access to premium content, like exclusive events, in-person meetups, and early access to special editions of the magazine.
  • Playboy — Playboy’s Rabbitars NFT collection grants holders access to exclusive Playboy content as well as future events and behind-the-scenes experiences!

5. NFTs for Loyalty Programs

Regular loyalty programs are fun, but NFT loyalty programs add a fresh, dynamic new twist to how brands can reward their most loyal customers!

Instead of traditional points, make it so customers can earn or purchase NFTs that unlock exclusive perks or rewards, like discounts, experiences, or special products. These NFTs not only unlock benefits but serve as a collectible too, making customers more likely to want them and engage with than standard loyalty points.

One of the biggest advantages of NFTs in loyalty programs is that they can be resold or traded on popular NFT marketplaces like Nifty Gateway or OpenSea, giving your customers more control over their rewards. Whether they choose to hold onto them to unlock more rewards or sell them to other collectors, the uniqueness of NFTs boosts their appeal and encourages more participation in your loyalty program!

6. NFTs for Event Access

NFTs can serve as both unique digital assets and even tickets to virtual or even in-person events.

These NFT tickets are unique, verifiable, and secure, which eliminates the risk of counterfeiting or scalping that can come with traditional ticketing methods.

Whether it’s for a concert, an industry conference, a meet-and-greet, or any other exclusive event, NFT tickets can provide an engaging, innovative, and future-ready solution to your brand’s event management!

7. Make a Social Impact

A spinning globe for make a social impact, an NFT marketing tip.

NFTs can be a very powerful and effective tool for making a social impact.

By donating a portion of your NFT sales to nonprofit organizations, charities, and other causes, your brand can align itself with the causes that matter most to your customers.

This not only makes your NFTs more appealing to your audience but also demonstrates your brand’s social responsibility and provides a way for your buyers to contribute to positive change.

Examples of Brands Making Social Impact with NFTs.

  • Taco Bell — Proceeds from Taco Bell’s taco-themed NFTacos digital art collections were donated to their Live Más Scholarship Foundation, which supports students pursuing higher education.
  • Norwegian Cruise LineNorwegian Cruise Line launched its NFT collection, featuring artwork inspired by their ships, and donated all proceeds toward Teach for America, a nonprofit focused on improving education in underserved communities.
  • Charmin — The popular toilet paper company entered the NFT space with their NFTP (non-fungible toilet paper) to raise money for the Direct Relief organization, which supports disaster relief.
  • Coca-Cola — In recognition of International Friendship Day, Coca-Cola auctioned off The Friendship Box collection, donating proceeds to Special Olympics International.

8. NFTs and Augmented Reality (AR) Combined

NFTs and augmented reality are both exciting and fresh and new.

So, combining them can offer an exciting and interactive experience for your audiences to engage with. AR technology can bring your NFTs to life, allowing your users to interact with their digital assets in real-world environments right through their smartphones or other AR-enabled devices.

This combo creates a more exciting experience that boosts the value of your NFT and creates a more meaningful connection with your customer.

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Best Practices for NFT Marketing

Looking to make a splash with your next campaign?

If you're getting into NFT marketing, be sure to stick to the best practices outlined in the following list to set yourself up for success!

  • Create Authentic, Meaningful NFTs — Focus on creating NFTs that genuinely reflect your brand’s values and offer unique experiences for your audience. Avoid launching NFTs just for the sake of trends. They've got to have a purpose!
  • Understand Your Audience — Know who your target audience is and what type of NFTs they would be most interested in and tailor your NFT offerings to appeal to their preferences, whether it’s collectibles, NFT art, or exclusive content access.
  • Choose the Right Platform — Select the right NFT marketplace (e.g., OpenSea, Rarible, etc.) based on your goals and target audience. Whatever platform you choose, make sure it aligns with your brand and offers the right features for your NFT projects.
  • Educate Your Audience — Help your audience understand the value and use of NFTs, especially if they are new to the space. Offering guides, FAQs, or tutorials can make your audience more comfortable with the concept and boost participation.
  • Be Transparent — Clearly communicate the pricing structure and any associated royalties for your NFTs. Transparency helps build trust with your audience and lets them know what to expect from both the initial purchase and any resale opportunities.
  • Focus on Sustainability — Address environmental concerns by considering eco-friendly blockchain solutions like those that use proof-of-stake (PoS) protocols. Sustainability efforts can attract environmentally conscious consumers.
  • Engage with Your Community — Build a community around your NFTs through social media, Discord, or other platforms. Regular engagement, updates, and exclusive opportunities can keep your audience in the loop and invested long-term.
  • Track Metrics and Adjust — Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) like NFT sales, engagement rates, and community growth. Use this data to refine your strategy and make informed decisions about future NFT campaigns.

Need a Hand with Your Next NFT Marketing Campaign?

If your biggest takeaway from this article was deciding that your brand definitely wants to get in on NFT marketing, then we’re here for it.

And if you need some help getting your NFT marketing plans off the ground and into reality, then we can be here for it too.

Like right here.

Because Designity is made up of the top 3% of all of the talented creatives who apply each year, meaning that our creative community is made up of the best of the best in fields like illustration, graphic design, NFT art, digital marketing, and more — all of the moving parts you need to conceptualize, create, and market your NFT.

And with a Creative Director managing your account, sourcing your creative team, and making sure everything you need is in your hands right when you need it, you can get it all done without spreading yourself too thin or losing focus on your business’s growth.

Why not check out our NFT design and marketing service page and portfolio to see how Designity’s innovative Creative as a Service platform has been the answer for brands just like yours?

And if our style vibes with yours, then go ahead and book your demo call. We can’t wait to get you started with a two-week, no-obligation trial to give you a chance to test-drive our services and see how Designity can help you get your NFT marketing plans off the ground sooner than you thought possible.

Are you ready to incorporate NFT marketing into your digital strategy?

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Sara Lopez
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