Healthcare marketing can be a tough gig.
If you’re a healthcare marketer, targeting is a special kind of headache. You’ve got to worry about things like privacy regulations, red tape, and staying in HIPAA compliance. It’s a challenge.
If you’re a creative in healthcare marketing, then that comes with other challenges unique to the industry.
Graphic designers might find themselves trying to differentiate a client while being stuck with the same generic, sterile color scheme every company is using.
The good news is that along with all of the other changes that the pandemic brought to our lives, healthcare marketing finds itself sliding into new territory, too.
Lockdown forced everyone to get on board with technology and healthcare marketing was no different.
Their marketing efforts evolved along with the tech innovations that we’re seeing in other industries, leading to more online collateral. With that comes more competition and the willingness to embrace creativity to stay ahead.
If you’re a creative, that is especially good news.
Healthcare needs your talents.
This recent willingness to embrace creative branding means that, more than ever, the healthcare industry is in need of talented designers and other creatives to help them with their marketing efforts and messaging.
So, what could that consist of? Well, it depends on what type of creative you are, but healthcare marketing offers plenty of opportunities for you.
All you have to do is reach up and grab at that brass ring.
Here are some things you could be doing for that next healthcare client.
Projects for graphic designers.

For all you graphic designers out there, your skills are definitely needed.
And, for the most part, you aren’t stuck with blues, whites, and greens anymore. Companies are branching out now, so feel free to be as creative as you want to come up with visually stunning designs for the following:
Whitepapers/Brochures: The healthcare industry has the unenviable job of having to explain complicated products and services to their clients. Whitepapers and brochures are often the routes they go to achieve that.
Anxious patients will need to have complex information distilled down into easy-to-digest charts and graphics that they can easily understand.
And not even doctors and scientists want to look at walls upon walls of unbroken text. What they need is a good graphic designer who will know how to use their brand guidelines to lay out the information in an attractive, welcoming, and easy-to-read way that highlights what's most important.
Ads: As stated earlier, healthcare marketing can be tricky. Clinics and other healthcare facilities need advertisements that are eye-catching, yet are still welcoming and personable.
Pharmaceutical companies need ads that really stand out amongst the ads of your client’s many competitors.
There’s a need for creativity, is what we’re saying! Whether it’s for health plans, medical equipment companies, or providers, you should have no trouble finding work designing ads for print or social media.
Trade show booths: Here’s a big one! By default, trade shows involve a massive amount of companies that will all need to have design services at the same time.
Holy jackpot, Batman!
Trade shows like HIMSS and AHIP are huge opportunities for companies in the healthcare industry to reach new prospects, increase their brand awareness, and generate some cash.
You better believe they’ll be reaching out for help in order to secure a flashy, well-put-together booth to draw in some prospects.
These days anything can be virtual, so be on the lookout for virtual trade shows as well that will need your talents to create memorable virtual booths.
Scientific posters: A scientific poster is a way for scientists, doctors, and other experts to present research findings without putting everyone to sleep.
They’re used as visual aids for presentations at conferences and to put them together, a graphic designer will be needed to create graphics that visually represent the text in a way that lets the viewer absorb key facts and come away with the most important points.
This may be a little more demanding than creating ads, but if you’re up to the challenge, the work is there and in demand.
Projects for copywriters.
The healthcare industry can’t sell products and services on design alone. They’ll need some witty words and ways to make confusing medical jargon easy to understand for those of us who don’t have a bunch of letters after our names. Copywriters are needed for writing projects such as:
Whitepapers/ Brochures: The complex world of health insurance and medical equipment and services can leave even the smartest of us scratching our heads.
Copywriters are needed to simplify concepts and explain products and services in a way that target audiences will understand and relate to.
It might take some extra studying to learn the complicated scientific lingo and medical and insurance-specific terms and phrases, but there is plenty of work to be found writing whitepapers and other informational material.
Product pages: Quick! What’s a closed-loop artificial pancreas system?
Drawing a blank?
That’s okay, that’s what product pages are for. Medical suppliers and pharmaceutical companies are just a handful of companies who will need a wordsmith to explain complicated equipment to laymen in ways that explain its function and communicate value to their target audience.
Advertisements: Sometimes a good header can make all the difference.
In addition to having eye-catching ads, a healthcare provider or supplier is going to need some snappy ad headlines to appeal to prospective customers.
They’ll also need collateral with different tones to match patients, healthcare administration, doctors, or whatever audience they’re trying to reach.
Projects for video editors/ motion graphics designers.

Sometimes it takes more than a nice graphic or soothing words to sway healthcare consumers or hospital administrators. That’s when marketers change the medium from print to video to better convey what they’re trying to sell.
Sometimes you just need to see it. Even if it’s not as complicated as a TV ad, the healthcare industry will still need video and motion graphic talents for:
Product demos: Why tell when you can show? Since you can’t always demo in person, it’s good to have videos of those products on websites or to link to on social media or in nurture emails. Those videos will need a good editor to really highlight what’s being sold and communicate its value.
Social media ads: Take those video editing skills and format them for social media like LinkedIn and Facebook so your clients can reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness.
TV commercials: If you’re handy with a camera, there are plenty of places that would hire you to help them film a TV spot for a local station.
And once it’s filmed, they’ll count on your editing powers to put it all together and make the magic happen.
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With our powers combined.
Be on the lookout for really big projects too.
A company looking to rebrand, for example, will need a whole team of creatives to breathe new life into its copy and visual identity.
Big events like HIMSS 2023 will have companies on the lookout for not only booth designers, but copywriters to come up with snappy headers for their handouts, and video editors to create explainer videos to play for potential clients.
If you’ve got some coding skills, there are conferences and events that take place in a completely virtual space, so you can use your skills to create awesome, interactive meeting rooms and experiences.
And if it's in your wheelhouse, virtual events are also great places to showcase 360° videos and pictures for a totally immersive and memorable experience.
Healthcare jobs are out there if you know where to look!
What kind of healthcare marketing projects have you worked on as a creative?