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Copywriting Tips for the Cybersecurity Industry

August 1, 2022
min read
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Copywriting for SaaS companies is typically flexible, fun, and exciting. The conversational tone and openness make it a copywriter’s dream industry. While SaaS has many branches like data and analytics, MarTech, and more, one robust branch needs to be in the spotlight.

The cybersecurity industry.  

It’s like the healthcare of SaaS. Serious, data-driven, and potent. For a cybersecurity industry marketer, navigating your company's content marketing can be a little intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be.

Here are some helpful tips to help you with your next big copywriting projects. 

Identify your company’s ‘voice.’

Do you know what it means for a company to have a specific voice or sound? Like your branding and logo, your company’s voice helps you stand out in a sea of competitors. It can also make prospects remember who you are when the time comes for them to shop around.

If you’re working for a large cybersecurity company, they may have a content guide in place to help you determine their sound. If they don’t have a brand guide, then it’s going to be up to you to establish their sound. 

When identifying your company’s unique brand voice, here are some helpful questions to ask yourself:

* Does your company sound conversational?

* Do they sound formal?

* Do you think the tone fits your brand identity?

Write Digestible Content

Like the healthcare industry, there tends to be a common misconception that cybersecurity companies need to be serious, like a university professor conducting a lecture. The trouble here is, who will want to read a university lecture? We’ll bet the answer is no one but the professor themselves.

Think about your audience. Too many cybersecurity companies make the mistake of writing back-end heavy blog posts or writing in-depth about their data process in marketing emails. While there is nothing wrong with deep diving into the ins and outs of your tech, we’d bet your audience will click out of that blog or email at lightning speed.

Why? Simple. Unless someone is already interested in your product, bogging down new readers with heavy jargon will bore them. 

Learn to convert.

For example, let’s say that you are a content marketer for a bot mitigation company. Your CIO is so excited about your latest machine learning implementation that she printed out a report for you to convert into marketing collateral.

If you aren’t a copywriter, then it may be tempting to copy/paste whole paragraphs and call it content. This would be shooting yourself in the foot. Our job as copywriters is to take that undigestible report, chop it up, rearrange it, and transform it into something your prospects actually want to read.

 <div class="c-blog_comp-cta cc-component-2"><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-left"><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-left-wrap"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 93vw, (max-width: 767px) 96vw, 363px" srcset=" 500w, 500w" class="c-blog_comp-cta-left-img"></div></div><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-right cc-dark"><div class="c-blog_comp-content"><div class="c-text-wrapper cc-mb-32"><div class="c-title-4 cc-bold"><strong>Like to work as a freelancer with consistent Income?</strong></div></div><div class="c-text-wrapper"><div class="c-text-2">Designity's collaborative model is designed to give you all of the perks of being a freelancer without the income instability.</div></div></div><div class="c-blog_comp-wrapper"><a href="" target="_blank" class="c-button w-button"><strong>Join Our Creative Community</strong></a></div></div></div>

How can I write content people want to read?

Great question! This one has been plaguing content marketers and writers for centuries. There is one simple hack that cybersecurity companies can adopt to help get their readers to that CTA (call to action). 

  1. Create a target audience profile (Example: CISOs and CIOs at small to midsize retailers)

  1. Identify what makes them tick (Example: eCommerce retailers experience scraping from bots sent by large companies, causing the small business to lose money)

  1. How can you address this pain point? (Example: bot mitigation company with machine learning capabilities: can block bots and learns their code so that the bot can’t come back)

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Now, let’s go back to that report that your CIO sent you and create a mock blog outline:

Title: How to Stop Web Scraping 

  • Addressing a use case and a pain point with a phrase your audience will likely search for themselves.

Intro: So Amazon sent one of their bots to your site. What now? Web scraping is the silent killer of small businesses competing with large corporations. These bots scrape your website to get your pricing, inventory…etc. 

  • Set the tone of the piece and don’t be afraid to have a sense of humor. What we are doing here is empathizing and getting that CISO to say ‘YES! That’s exactly what’s happening to me.’

 Body A: What is a bot?

Pain point: Bots aren’t just sent to your site to scrape pricing; they can also…mess up your traffic analytics and push you to waste marketing dollars on traffic that doesn’t exist…

  • This section is for SEO purposes but also to establish that you know what you’re talking about. Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT start trying to sell your product this early in the piece. People don’t care about who you are yet; if they catch a whiff of sales in your blog, they’ll click out. Your prospect clicked your blog to get an answer to a pressing question, not to be sold. 

Body B, C, D: This is where you will get into the ‘how to’. Talk about machine learning, sprinkle in some back-end fun stuff, use storytelling and create relatable examples, but most importantly, refrain from selling.

Conclusion: Bot mitigation is a constantly changing landscape. Right when you think you’ve got it under control, a new type is wreaking havoc on your website. Instead of playing bot whack-a-mole, it’s time to look at a bot mitigation solution that was built as…

  • Here is where you’re going to marry those pain points you addressed, and your unique product features into one neat little package. Introduce your company as the solution to their woes. Blast that CTA, ask a question, and you’re done!

A note on SEO

We know you’re thinking about this, so we’re just going to go ahead and address it in one fell swoop. SEO is crucial to your web traffic and visibility in search engines, but the ranking is a totally different story and one that needs to be tackled strategically. 

If you’re serious about SEO and rankings, you really need to hire an SEO specialist; they’re worth every penny if you have the right one. Stay tuned to our blog because we’re cooking up a blog about how to rank using SEO in a future piece.

Cybersecurity is a tough industry to write for, but if you understand the tech and how to translate it into digestible and engaging content, then you’re on the right track to content success. Want to learn more about copywriting services for your SaaS company? Contact us to speak with one of our creative consultants!

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Sara, a Designity content writer.
About the author:
Kat Calejo
Senior content writer- Designity
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