cheaper than hiring traditional agencies
more efficient than freelance marketers
increase in conversion and engagement

Types of Strategy & Personas for ABM Service

Choosing the Strategy & Personas for ABM Service for Your Company

Other Account-Based Marketing Services

Choosing the Account-Based Marketing Service for Your Company

Maximize your marketing impact with customized account-based marketing services. Leverage Designity to go beyond a one-size-fits-all approach to identify and engage your best-fit audience. By researching and creating detailed personas, syndicating creative & engaging content, and running a full ToFu-MoFu-BoFu workflow, you’ll be able to capture your audience’s attention, drive higher returns on investment, and establish lasting relationships with your key accounts.

Account-Based Marketing Services

Enhance your digital experience with User Journey Definition services. Engage in a 60-min Strategy Session, delve into Customer Persona Research, and map out a Content Strategy & Calendar tailored to your audience. From Copywriting & CTA Strategy to Keyword Lists for Ranking and Custom Graphic Creation, we provide comprehensive solutions. Need compelling content? Our services include Blog Post Writing, Social Media Caption Writing, Stock Visuals Sourcing, and even Single and Short Video Creations from Blog Content. Elevate your online presence and connect with the audiences that matter.

User Journey / ToF / MoF / BoF Services

Boost your online visibility and conversions with top-tier lead generation services. Dive into a 60-min strategy session, tap into customer persona research, and embrace a comprehensive content strategy & calendar. Benefit from strategic copywriting with persuasive CTAs, a keyword list tailored for ranking, and meticulously curated content including blogs, summaries, and social media captions. Enhance engagement with custom graphics, videos curated from blog content, and stunning visuals sourced for maximum impact. Amplify reach with email promotions and optimized website blog posts. Prioritize mobile optimization to cater to a vast audience, ensuring an effective SEO strategy. All these cater to the evolving digital landscape where content isn't just about keywords, but value and strategy.

Lead Generation Services

Harness the power of Omni-Channel Marketing to propel your business towards unparalleled success. Dive deep with a comprehensive 60-minute strategy session, tailored to the specifics of your target audience with expert customer persona research. Elevate your brand with a meticulously planned content strategy and calendar, enriched by professional copywriting and potent CTAs. Rise in search rankings with an optimized keyword list. Engage readers with high-quality blog posts, insightful summaries, and catchy social media captions. Visually captivate with custom graphics, carousels, and engaging videos crafted from your content. Boost your reach through strategic email promotions, ensuring your content not only graces your website but also shines across social media platforms. Elevate your brand presence seamlessly, both online and offline, for a consistent, compelling customer experience.

Omni-Channel Marketing Services

Strategy & Personas for ABM Portfolio

Leverage a Design Platform to Elevate Your Brand

About Strategy & Personas for ABM

Instead of casting a wide net to a multitude of customers, ABM focuses resources on a group of targeted companies. It involves personalized campaigns tailored to the specific needs and characteristics of each account, aiming to foster customer loyalty and increase sales. Designity simplifies the ABM process by providing a US-Based dedicated creative team, and a dedicated Creative Director who understands the nuances of your brand. This is all accomplished within a tech platform specifically constructed for collaborative creativity.
A smiling emoji, happy because Designity’s clients are supporting the next generation of talented, emerging Creatives.A yellow 3D Designity blob.

Top Creatives for Strategy & Personas for ABM

Consistent Creativity and Quality for Your Strategy & Personas for ABM Projects

A talented Designity Creative Director.

Vanessa C.

Creative Director
10+ Years
Industry Knowledge: Food & Beverage, Sports & Entertainment, Technology, Wellness / Fitness & more
Areas of Expertise: Graphic Design, Digital Advertising, Website Design
A talented Designity Creative Director.

Collins B.

Creative Director
15+ years
Industry Knowledge: Non-Profit, Technology, Education, Government, Hospitality & more
Areas of Expertise: Website Design, Graphic Design, Digital Advertising
A talented Designity Creative Director.

Brian P.

Creative Director
10+ Years
Industry Knowledge: Education, Automotive, Sports, Fashion, Food & Beverage, Gaming, Non-Profit & more
Areas of Expertise: Video Production, Graphic Design & Illustration, Website Design
A talented Designity Creative Director.

Pooyan A.

Creative Director
12+ Years
Industry Knowledge: Technology Services, eCommerce, Cybersecurity, Financial Services, Food, Health Services & more
Areas of Expertise: UX/UI, Branding & Logo Design, Website Design, Video Production, and Illustrations
A talented Designity Creative Director.

Sitara D.

Creative Director
16+ Years
Industry Knowledge: Education, Fashion, Hospitality, Food & Beverage, Gaming, Government, Health Care & Medical, Hospitality, Manufacturing, News Agency, Non-Profit, Real Estate, Sports & Entertainment, Technology, Transportation, Wellness & Fitnes
Areas of Expertise: Graphic Design, Website Design, Mobile App Design

Design System For Your Strategy & Personas for ABM

Creative Collaboration Inside a Fully Managed Design Process


Creative Director

Your Creative Director is your single point of contact, managing Creatives around-the-clock for quality Account-Based Marketing service.
Your Creative Director is your single point of contact, managing Creatives around-the-clock and ensuring consistent quality.

Top 3% of Creatives

No more time zone frustrations or language barriers thanks to a vetted, US-based creative team specializing in Account-Based Marketing.
No more time zone frustrations or language barrier thanks to a vetted US-Based creative services team.

Five-Star Quality

Designated Creative Directors control each aspect of the Account-Based Marketing process to ensure the deliverables are polished.
Each creative is vetted into our US-based network, specializing in a variety of design and marketing domains.

Fast Turnaround

The only tech-enabled creative platform that creates efficiency in Account-Based Marketing process to guarantee your deadlines.
The only tech-enabled platform that guarantees transparent timelines and efficient turnaround times.

One-Stop Shop

Unlimited project requests and revisions for Strategy, Brand script, Personas for ABM, User Journey Definition, Copywriting, Content Ideation, and more.
80+ design and marketing categories with unlimited project requests and revisions.

Flexible Pricing

Cost-effective monthly plans with no long-term commitment and 70% cheaper than hiring traditional Account-Based Marketing agencies.
Cost effective month-to-month plans with no long-term commitment.
A happy yellow blob with stars for eyes, thrilled about being a part of Designity.

A Better Strategy & Personas for ABM Platform

Affordable & High-Quality Design & Marketing Services

Logo graphic for Designity at the head of a table showing how we are different from Freelancers, In-House Design teams, and traditional creative agencies.


Creative Team

Top 3% US creatives

Creative Director

Yes! Quality-assured CD

Avg Monthly Cost

$3,500 for a dynamic team

Up to 4-Week Trial

Yes! No payment needed
A green checkmark showing that Designity fulfills all the needs listed in the table above.


Creative Team

Unvetted offshore freelancers

Creative Director

No! You handle it all

Avg Monthly Cost

Cheaper for a reason

Up to 4-Week Trial

No trials offered!
A red X image, showing that Freelancers cannot fulfill the requirements in this table by themselves.


Creative Team

Limited-skill creatives

Creative Director

Maybe! If you can afford

Avg Monthly Cost

$7,000 per month

Up to 4-Week Trial

No trials offered!
A red X image, showing that in-house teams cannot operate with the flexibility and consistent quality that Designity offers.


Creative Team

Typically offshore outsourcing

Creative Director

Yes! Costly though

Avg Monthly Cost


Up to 4-Week Trial

No trials offered!
A red X image, showing that design agencies cannot operate with the transparency and ease that Designity offers.

Let's Chat About Your Strategy & Personas for ABM Goals.

Book a demonstration call to see:

  • How Designity’s tech-enabled platform accelerates Strategy & Personas for ABM projects at scale.
  • The differences between Designity’s model, in-house team hires, freelance marketplaces, and traditional design agencies.
  • If having a Creative Director as a single point of contact could decrease your admin load and provide higher quality.

Strategy & Personas for ABM Tutorials

Fresh From the Designity Blog


Strategy & Personas for ABM Best Practices and Tips


Your Creative Director is your single point of contact, managing Creatives around-the-clock and ensuring consistent quality.

No more time zone frustrations or language barrier thanks to a vetted US-Based creative services team.

Each creative is vetted into our US-based network, specializing in a variety of design and marketing domains.
A happy emoji, happy because Designity is the fun alternative to Superside.


yellow Designity FAQ shape
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Why should I use Designity for crafting ABM strategy, brand scripts, and personas?‍

When it comes to developing a robust ABM campaign, you require a range of expertise. From insightful marketing strategists to creative copywriters and persona specialists, Designity's platform offers access to these essential skills, all while optimizing efficiency.

The Designity Creative-as-a-Service Platform is tailor-made for modern marketing needs. While ad agencies and freelance marketplaces have their strengths, for those seeking sales and marketing alignment, for those aiming to build strategies with long-term ROI growth, a fresh approach is necessary.

Designity's platform connects you with the top 3% of US-based marketing experts, adept in crafting and executing personalized ABM strategies. Your designated Creative Director functions as a project manager, orchestrating a team of specialists to collaborate seamlessly. This ensures each account receives a distinct, targeted approach it deserves. Elevate your high-value digital marketing campaigns swiftly through Designity's rapid ABM deployment services.

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What elements of account-based marketing services are available on Designity's platform for strategy, brand script, and personas?‍

Designity's platform encompasses essential components for ABM services, including crafting strategic plans, developing brand scripts, and creating personas. These components are designed to refine your ABM approach, aligning with your goals and enhancing engagement.

Your dedicated Creative Director collaborates with you to determine the priority areas, ensuring swift deployment while maintaining a comprehensive ABM strategy. By leveraging Designity's platform, you gain access to a pool of skilled professionals, making it efficient and effective to elevate your ABM initiatives.

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How much do professionals charge for ABM Strategy, Brand scripting, and Persona Research & Creation services?‍

Engaging with Strategy, Brand Script, and Personas for ABM services involves a diverse range of pricing considerations. Opting for fragmented outsourcing to offshore freelancers for strategy, research, content creation, design, and implementation might seem cost-effective initially, but it can lead to inflated expenses in the long run. Freelancers typically charge between $20 and $100 per hour for their services.

Alternatively, partnering with a dedicated marketing agency can yield impressive outcomes, albeit with potentially longer timelines. Agencies charge varying rates, with basic ABM campaigns starting from a few thousand dollars per month. For more intricate, fully personalized strategies across multiple channels, costs can range from $10,000 to $30,000 or higher monthly. Some agencies might offer retainer-based arrangements, involving long-term contracts and strategic planning that could amount to $50,000 to $100,000 or more annually. Onboarding with an agency usually requires at least six months to establish your initial ABM funnel.

Designity offers a distinctive middle ground between the conventional agency model and the nimble freelance approach. Our flat-rate monthly plans, starting at $3,150, provide comprehensive solutions for Strategy, Brand Script, and Personas for ABM. Think of Designity's platform as a subscription service that encompasses all the necessary design and marketing components. This subscription model includes the flexibility to upgrade, downgrade, or pause as needed, similar to other subscription services. By rapidly addressing your customers' challenges, you can launch your first ABM Top-of-Funnel campaign within just one month through Designity's streamlined approach.

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How long does an Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategy / brand script / personas project typically take?

ABM projects focusing on strategy, brand script, and personas within Designity's platform can initiate within 24 hours of a kick-off call, with the initial components often being developed and finalized in as little as two weeks. However, various factors, such as persona development, content matrix planning, and brand definition, will influence the overall timeline.

When working with most agencies, the discovery phase alone might span around three months, and the first content could be published after approximately six months. The timeline for ABM projects is typically ongoing due to the iterative nature of ABM campaigns. These campaigns continuously refine based on data insights, leading to constant adjustments and improvements. Embracing the principles of curiosity, experimentation, and creative storytelling ensures consistent engagement and conversion of your ideal audience.

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What is the process to create an account-based marketing strategy / brand script / personas for an ABM campaign?‍

To establish a successful strategy / brand script / personas for your ABM campaign, the following comprehensive process is recommended:

  • Campaign Strategy / Brand Script / Personas Development: Craft tailored strategies and brand scripts specific to your business, setting the foundation for your ABM approach.
  • Personas Definition: Create personas that resonate with your top three best-fit target audiences, mirroring the process of designing distinct dishes for individual guests.
  • User Journey Definition: Craft compelling user journeys akin to the courses in a meal, ranging from the appetizer (top-of-funnel) to the main course (middle-of-funnel) and dessert (bottom-of-funnel).
  • Copywriting & Content Ideation: Assembling the right ingredients is crucial in creating a standout dish. We provide the copywriting and content ideas that add flavor to your campaigns.
  • Required Assets Creation: Just like a well-prepared meal requires specific elements, we generate all the necessary assets for your campaigns.
  • CRM Automations: Ensure seamless operations like a kitchen running smoothly by setting up automations in platforms such as HubSpot.
  • Lead Generation Planning and Implementation: Fill your "restaurant" with potential customers through meticulous lead generation planning and execution.
  • Omni-Channel Marketing Approach: Diversify your "cooking methods" with a multi-channel approach that ensures maximum reach and impact.
  • A/B Testing: Just as taste testing is pivotal in any kitchen, we perform A/B tests on campaign elements to optimize results.
  • Analytics Reports: Serve up insightful numbers with detailed analytics reports throughout your campaign’s lifecycle, providing a comprehensive view of performance.

At its core, ABM unites sales and marketing teams toward a shared goal, much like the approach Designity takes. Our platform brings together US-based Creatives across over 100 skill sets, managed by your designated Creative Director. E pluribus unum - from many, one; from various sales and marketing efforts, one cohesive plan; from diverse Creatives, one comprehensive project plan.

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What are the key principles for creating effective strategy, brand script, and personas in ABM campaigns?‍

An effective mix for Strategy, Brand Script, and Personas in ABM encompasses: In-Depth Customer Insights, Authentic Brand Storytelling, Audience-Centric Persona Development, Interdepartmental Collaboration, and Data-Driven Refinement. This fusion ensures a personalized, resonant ABM strategy that delivers impactful outcomes.

About Strategy / Brand Script / Personas for ABM: ABM strategies encompass the identification of high-potential accounts, the crafting of tailored brand narratives, and the creation of comprehensive audience personas. These components synergize to drive growth by nurturing valuable client relationships. With Designity, experience an ABM approach that combines strategic acumen with actionable implementation.

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What are the best tools to create strategies, brand scripts, and personas for ABM?‍

To execute an effective Strategy, Brand Script, and Personas for ABM, you'll need tools like HubSpot or Salesforce for CRM management, LinkedIn for targeted insights, Google Analytics for data analysis, and HubSpot or ActiveCampaign for personalized communication. Additionally, HubSpot has gained prominence in ABM due to its versatility in crafting landing pages, email campaigns, and social media initiatives within one platform. Google Suite serves as a valuable tool for collaboration and reporting, rounding out your ABM toolkit.

For Strategy, Brand Script, and Personas development, designers often use Figma due to its collaborative features. However, experienced designers may prefer Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop for their advanced capabilities and AI tools. Copywriters typically rely on Google Docs for seamless collaboration and version control. Marketing Managers need access to these tools to oversee the entire process and provide guidance at each stage.

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How does developing a strategy, brand script, and personas for ABM impact your business?‍

Crafting a comprehensive Strategy, authentic Brand Script, and well-defined Personas for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) functions as a catalyst for business growth. This approach sharpens your marketing focus on high-potential accounts, resulting in enhanced ROI, fortified customer relationships, and targeted expansion. By providing a collaborative framework for your sales and marketing teams, it promotes unity and synergy. ABM strategically allocates resources towards audiences with the highest potential for revenue generation. It harmonizes established, effective techniques with data-driven decision-making, paving the way for remarkable business achievements. It's akin to equipping your business with a guiding star toward success!

The main purposes of developing strategy, brand scripts, and personas for ABM is to customize your marketing efforts towards specific, valuable accounts, ensuring a tailor-made approach that resonates deeply with each recipient – a personalized experience akin to offering bespoke solutions to your most esteemed customers.

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What is the difference between ABM Strategy, Brand scripting, and Persona Research & Creation and general marketing strategy?‍

While general marketing strategy casts a wide net, ABM, brand scripting, and persona creation is all about precise, targeted efforts. It’s the difference between buffet-style dining and a curated tasting menu!

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How can I find an affordable ABM provider for strategy, brand scripting, and persona research & creation?‍

Finding an affordable professional for ABM Strategy, Brand scripting, and Persona Research & Creation can be challenging, but there are effective ways to do so. Traditional methods include searching freelance platforms, job boards, or industry-specific forums for individual experts. However, a more efficient option is to leverage Designity's platform. With Designity, you gain access to a pool of top 3% US-based marketing professionals who specialize in these services. The platform offers transparent pricing and flexible monthly plans, allowing you to work with a dedicated team managed by your Creative Director. This ensures quality, collaboration, and a cost-effective approach to crafting winning ABM strategies, brand scripts, and personas that resonate with your target audience. Designity simplifies the process and gives you the expertise you need without the hassle of traditional hiring or managing freelancers.

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How do I find a local ABM provider for strategy, brand scripting, and persona research & creation?

If you're searching for a local professional to assist with ABM Strategy, Brand scripting, and Persona Research & Creation, you can start by exploring marketing agencies in your vicinity through search engines. However, this approach may require vetting agencies to ensure they offer the specific services you need. Alternatively, Designity presents a more efficient solution. Designity’s platform connects you with a curated community of US-based marketing experts. You won't have to search, hire, or manage them yourself. Your designated Creative Director will take care of the process, ensuring you're matched with skilled professionals who specialize in ABM strategy, brand scripting, and persona research & creation. This approach simplifies your search and guarantees that your marketing efforts are aligned with a comprehensive strategy crafted by experts.

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What is the future of ABM strategy, brand scripting, and persona research & creation services?‍

The future of ABM Strategy, Brand scripting, and Persona Research & Creation services looks promising, driven by the growing need for personalized marketing. These services will likely become more data-driven and integrated with advanced AI and analytics. As customer expectations rise, the focus on authentic brand storytelling and messaging will intensify. Designity's platform is well-equipped to embrace these trends and provide innovative solutions in these areas.

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How are generative AI tools like ChatGPT, DALL-E, and Midjourney influencing strategy, brand script, and personas for ABM?‍

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, DALL-E, and Midjourney are poised to bring transformative impact to strategy, brand script, and personas in ABM:

  • Enhanced Personalization: ChatGPT, for example, can facilitate the creation of highly personalized content on a larger scale, crafting marketing strategies and brand scripts that resonate uniquely with each target account.
  • Innovative Brand Storytelling: DALL-E's capabilities can contribute to the development of visually captivating and bespoke brand scripts tailored to capture the essence of each target account.
  • Data-Driven Persona Refinement: Tools like Midjourney can leverage data analytics to refine personas dynamically, helping identify precise touchpoints and content preferences based on individual account behavior.

These AI tools elevate the level of personalization, scalability, and effectiveness achievable in ABM strategies, brand scripts, and personas.

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What type of strategy, brand script, and persona services do ABM experts provide?‍

ABM Strategy, Brand scripting, and Persona Research & Creation professionals offer a range of specialized services to enhance Account-Based Marketing campaigns. ABM Strategists develop tailored strategies that align with business goals and target high-value accounts. Brand scripting experts craft unique and compelling brand scripts that resonate with the target audience. Persona Research & Creation professionals delve into detailed research to create accurate and insightful buyer personas, enabling personalized messaging. These services collectively ensure that ABM efforts are well-defined, engaging, and focused on driving meaningful connections with key accounts, resulting in improved conversions and business growth.