The Challenge: Tight Deadlines and Budget Constraints
Princess Craft RV needed a complete rebrand within 36 days but had a limited budget and no in-house creative team to get it done.

Princess Craft RV, a leading RV dealership in Round Rock, Texas, was looking for an extensive rebranding of its logo, design elements, and brand book to remain competitive in the market of 2,600+ others.
Like most smaller niche businesses, they were also operating with a limited budget and no in-house creative team, making it a struggle to find an affordable and high-quality creative solution, especially one that could meet a tight turnaround of 36 days. Additionally, Marketing Director Paul Mulvihill also had another goal in mind for this rebrand — win a coveted spot in the "Top 50 Dealerships" competition, a top industry award.
Paul shares that they had looked at traditional solutions before but found that they were limited in “workload capacity” and “multi-channel expertise,” as they presented at times more challenges than solutions.
The Solution: Creative Leadership and Strategic Branding That Didn't Break the Bank
Designity provided Princess Craft RV with a dedicated Creative Director who led their rebranding efforts, delivering fresh ideas, meeting tight deadlines, and creating a strong brand identity.

Princess Craft turned to Designity for a budget-friendly solution to meet their rebranding needs.
Even the tight turnaround times proved to be nothing short of Designity’s capabilities.
Led by Creative Director, Rae B., Designity took on the project. Inspired by a quote on the company's website that highlighted the "infectious spirit of the camping crowd," Rae integrated that messaging into the final design, quickly becoming an "extension of the team," and expertly guiding the design of a new logo, design elements, and a brand book that focused on the sense of community that was so important to Princess Craft RV's brand.
Rae later shared about the quote, “It spoke to the heart of why they sell RVs. It’s not just a vehicle. Using this statement as a jumping-off point, we brought in elements of community–a circle–to the final logo.”

The Results: Award-Winning Rebrand and Future Growth
Armed with a fresh new identity, Princess Craft RV went on to win their Top 50 Dealerships award and is now positioned for long-term growth.
Though not a long journey, Princess Craft RV ended their creative adventure on a successful note. Winning the Top 50 Dealerships award and experiencing a total brand transformation was surely proof of a job well done. As a closing statement in the summary of their experience, Paul shares, “We’re positive that with the brand assets we’ve received, we will be able to position Princess Craft for growth and expansion in the months and years to come.”
Paul proudly shares, “We won thanks to Designity.” How about that for a win-win?
Although the initial goal was a rebrand, Paul and his team left with much more, as he also shares that they can credit Designity for introducing new creative processes and refined expectations to use within their own internal team.
As more and more projects follow their success, Princess Craft RV knows exactly where to look to get the job done and craft their next award-winning designs.
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About Princess Craft RV
Princess Craft RV is a longtime RV dealer located in Round Rock, Texas. Operating since 1968, the niche company specializes in the sale of lightweight trailers and truck campers–with industry-leading expertise with Lance Truck Campers. Their single location offers the market’s newest models, along with a service, parts, and sales department to assist customers with long-term maintenance needs.
Princess Craft RV not only sells and leases new trailers and campers but offers used options, as well as rentals for short-term, temporary uses. Regardless of what customers are looking for, the Texan RV dealer is home to it all.
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