Case Study > How Princess Craft RV Reinvented its Brand in Just Three Months

How Princess Craft RV Reinvented its Brand in Just Three Months

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Amazing stats for Designity's work with Princess Craft RVs.

Three months isn’t much time to pull together an entire brand book, but Princess Craft RV was able to see an end to a journey worth well over the very short 36 days. Sometimes all it takes is a fresh new look to turn a business around and well, win a popular industry award while they’re at it. 

Digital Marketer, Paul Mulvihill, sought a creative solution to meet such a courageous goal that didn’t exceed their budget. Like most smaller niche businesses, finding the perfect fit at the perfect price can be a challenge, especially when you have clearly defined and time-demanding objectives to meet. 

If there’s one thing for sure when it comes to the automotive industry, it’s leveraging resources into fuel–and that’s exactly what design did for the future of this leading RV dealer.

About the Company

Princess Craft RV is a longtime RV dealer located in Round Rock, Texas. Operating since 1968, the niche company specializes in the sale of lightweight trailers and truck campers–with industry-leading expertise with Lance Truck Campers. Their single location offers the market’s newest models, along with a service, parts, and sales department to assist customers with long-term maintenance needs. 

Princess Craft RV not only sells and leases new trailers and campers but offers used options, as well as rentals for short-term, temporary uses. Regardless of what customers are looking for, the Texan RV dealer is home to it all.

Poster design created for Princess Craft RV.

A Creative Adventure Awaits

Like many other clients, Designity wasn’t the first solution Princess Craft RV tried. When it comes to smaller, single-location retailers, finding a budget-friendly solution is a priority. However, freelancers, agencies, and in-house teams don’t always make that cut. 

Paul shares that the traditional solutions were merely a limit in things like “workload capacity” and “multi-channel expertise,” as they presented at times more challenges than solutions. All creative options come with some sort of cost, whether in price or quality and when it comes to branding, there’s no need to overcomplicate it. 

While getting top-tier creativity wasn’t high on the priority list, Paul and his team were able to get their hands on that and more–proving that smaller companies, no matter their budget, can also access five-star design. Finding a compatible creative solution wasn’t all just about what Paul and his team were after. 

“A much greater experience compared to the one-off items with previous creative providers. A true effort to understand and replicate while improving our existing brand elements that carry weight to us–which isn’t always easy to express, but Designity achieved.” – Paul Mulvihill

As a leading RV dealership, Princess Craft RV was looking for an extensive rebranding of its logo, design elements, and brand book to remain competitive in the market of 2,600+ others. While that was certainly great value for the monthly quote, Paul came in with another goal in mind–winning an entry for the ‘Top 50 Dealerships’ competition. 

With a strict focus on deadlines and attention to detail over just short several weeks, Paul proudly shares, “We won thanks to Designity.” How about that for a win-win?

<div class="c-blog_comp-cta cc-component-1"><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-left"><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-left-wrap"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 93vw, (max-width: 767px) 96vw, 363px" srcset=" 500w, 500w" class="c-blog_comp-cta-left-img"></div></div><div class="c-blog_comp-cta-right"><div class="c-blog_comp-content"><div class="c-text-wrapper cc-mb-32"><div class="c-title-4 cc-bold"><strong>Want to save money without sacrificing the quality?</strong></div></div><div class="c-text-wrapper"><div class="c-text-2">Say goodbye to traditional, expensive agencies and unreliable marketplaces. Say hello to Designity.</div></div></div><div class="c-blog_comp-wrapper"><a href="/pricing" target="_blank" class="c-button cc-primary cc-inverted w-button"><strong>Get Your 2-Week Trial</strong></a></div></div></div>

Design Fueled for Success

Like many others experience, Princess Craft RV’s tight turnaround times proved to be nothing short of Designity’s capabilities. Paul being somewhat familiar with the model from past use, was pleased to find that his onboarding experience was very thorough and detail-oriented for such a great price. 

Even with such demanding deadlines, it was refreshing to see the same amount of consideration brought to the table. The best part is that besides all of these perks, having an experienced creative director to lead their projects introduced a new perspective to the company. 

Creative Director, Cristin B. was more than a leader of Princess Craft RV’s team, but as Paul says, “an extension of our team.” As if that were all, Designity creative directors deliver more than just ideas, but they’re also pro project managers. Staying on top of company deadlines and delivery timeframes are just a few of the things that brought this client in particular such great success within the short three months. 

Branding for PCRV.

With a demanding contest en route, it was crucial that every deadline was met to get there. Paul shares, “Our creative director has brought ideas and perspectives to the table we hadn’t considered.” The company was the perfect example of how Designity encourages a creative relationship much deeper than business, but a partnership you can call your own. 

After all, a good fit is more than a match in expertise and experience, but a compatible personality and understanding of a company’s purpose. This was proven well before Cristin jumped onto the projects when they found a quote that caught their eye buried on Princess Craft’s website. 

The quote stated, “Back in the day, we were inspired to sell truck campers and camping trailers by the fun, infectious spirit of the camping crowd. Through our podcasts and other community outreach, we hope to spread that same enthusiasm for camping and the Great Outdoors far and wide, creating the biggest circle of community possible.” 

Cirstin says that the website copy had an impact on their planning for the company’s rebranding, later sharing, “It spoke to the heart of why they sell RVs. It’s not just a vehicle. Using this statement as a jumping-off point, we brought in elements of community–a circle–to the final logo.”

Before and after logo design for Princess Craft RV.

The Results

Though not a long journey, Princess Craft RV ended their creative adventure on a successful note. Winning the Top 50 Dealerships award and experiencing a total brand transformation was surely proof of a job well done. As a closing statement in the summary of their experience, Paul shares, “We’re positive that with the brand assets we’ve received, we will be able to position Princess Craft for growth and expansion in the months and years to come.” 

Although the initial goal, Paul and his team left with much more, as he also shares that they can credit Designity for introducing new creative processes and refined expectations to use within their own internal team. As more and more projects follow their success, Princess Craft RV knows exactly where to look to get the job done and craft their next award-winning designs.

Disclaimer: Because we prioritize the privacy and security of our clients, some information or visuals may be missing from this case study.

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