A short-term journey with Designity is enough time to go pretty far.
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) came with an audacious idea and left with a global initiative. After just three short months, the company launched its newly founded campaign, the Fashion Forever Green Pact with the help of Designity. With plans to launch at Premiere Vision in Paris, high-quality creativity wasn’t optional.
The Challenge: A High-Stakes Campaign with a Tight Deadline
FSC needed to launch an ambitious market transformation campaign but faced tight deadlines and required high-quality creative execution across multiple platforms.

As the Global Marketing Lead of an international non-profit organization, settling for basic creativity wasn’t in the cards. Trevor Armel sought to find FSC a solution that could handle the capacity of its upcoming project, which initially emerged from a simple idea and Word document. After trying creative agencies, in-house teams, and freelance marketplaces, it was time for a fresh start to a new project.
“Freelancers require a significant time investment to manage. The approach struggles to factor in multi-disciplinary needs and hand-offs take time,” he shares. After experiencing a disadvantage when it came to hiring single-specialty designers, Designity seemed too good to be true when it came to its pricing. A common first impression, the pricing structure proved its efficiency soon after carrying FSC through the creative execution of multiple projects, end-to-end.
Every client comes to Designity with a goal in mind–a new logo, an updated website, more social media posts, etc. As for a company the size of FSC, the goal at hand was much greater than a fresh new look or an increase in engagement. Trevor and his team had one objective in mind: launch a market transformation initiative in the textile industry. As simple as it sounds, it included all of the usual requests like acquiring a fresh new look and an increase in engagement–but for a campaign that has yet to exist.
The Solution: A Dedicated Creative Team and Top-Notch Project Management
Designity provided FSC with a dedicated creative team and structured project management, making it possible to deliver high-quality campaign materials across multiple platforms within the tight timeline.
Venturing into a new industry with a campaign made from scratch is certainly a challenge within itself, but nothing Designity’s multi-talented network couldn’t lead. From a comprehensive brand identity to a website and social content, the Fashion Forever Green Pact wasn’t going to promote itself. There was work to be done to get this initiative in the hands of fashion brands and personnel around the globe.
Projects Rooted in Quality

Having a Creative Director in addition to a creative team is a privilege in itself. It’s not everyday that you have a longtime experienced professional as your single point of contact. However, creative directors at Designity do more than call their clients every week. The team at FSC was able to quickly experience the pros of having someone to look to at all times.
Having Creative Director, Aboozar B. in close contact meant that every step of their project was backed by experience that was unmatched. And as a seasoned project manager, Aboozar knew exactly what it would take to create a campaign from scratch.
Working with such a wide array of projects, getting hands on a variety of creative specialties was the utmost priority to getting started on the Fashion Forever Green Pact. Unlike FSC’s experience with freelancers, there was no need to cut corners on talent and the skills needed to get the job done. “Thanks to Designity, we had access to the best team for FSC’s projects,” explains Aboozar, who handpicked each creative from Designity’s nationwide creative network.
But building the perfect team was far from the only thing necessary to build the project from the ground up. It was going to take more than a project timeline and Zoom to bring everything together. That’s where Designity communication practices played their part, keeping both the FSC team and creatives on the same page at all times. Trevor shares that Aboozar helped keep his team “accountable, grounded, and honest” when it came to working together.
Like with any intricate creative project, challenges are almost always inevitable. This is especially true for those with restrictive deadlines like the Fashion Forever Green Pact, which had to be wrapped up within just several weeks. And with a company with the size and impact like FSC, getting it right the first time was crucial. The clock was ticking, and Premiere Vision was approaching. “Even thinking about the importance of these projects and how important it is to deliver the best work for this prestigious campaign was challenging in itself,” shares Aboozar, who made sure to make ends meet throughout the entire experience.
This meant going beyond setting an end deadline and using the same resources. Achieving the objectives at hand called for structure and teamwork, including what Aboozar describes as “breaking big projects into smaller milestones and dividing the tasks between different creatives.” This popular method ensured that no piece of a project goes untouched and that the end result communicated the original idea.
The Results: A Successful Global Launch and Huge Industry Impact
The Fashion Forever Green Pact was successfully launched at the 2021 Premiere Vision in Paris, reaching over a million digital views worldwide and securing key brand partnerships.
Any finished project is a time of happiness for a Creative Director and the Fashion Forever Green Pact was no different. With FSC’s logo on popular household goods and garments, it’s hard not to feel the excitement of working with such an impactful brand. “Seeing the projects evolve over a short period of time, from ideation to scripts, and seeing the live results on the website and video was more than enjoyable,” says Aboozar, who doesn’t always get to see the immediate publicity of the projects he directs.
Whether stamped on the clothing tags of fast fashion leader, Zara, or on popular beverage bottles at your nearby gas station, FSC surely has an impact worth raving about. “When I see their logo on tags in H&M Canada, it means something,” Aboozar adds.
After just three short months, FSC was ready to share the Fashion Forever Green Pact with the world. The initiative was launched and presented at 2021’s Premiere Vision in Paris, the biggest textile platform hosting exhibitions to accelerate the industry to higher standards. FSC saw great success from the event, acquiring the signatures and contacts of brands of all kinds. Aboozar’s excitement wasn’t for nothing though, as the initiative’s digital exposure reached about 1 million views worldwide, leaving the project off on a successful note.
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About The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has grown to be the most trusted organization in forest certification, servicing vast industries for over 25 years. As forests around the world undergo economic, social, and environmental threats, the company’s systems are set to improve the livelihood of these ecosystems. FSC’s Chain of Custody (CoC) certification has promised supply chain integrity for 75,000 organizations worldwide. As the non-profit expands into new industries, top brands and global NGOs look to support the movement in restoring and protecting forests.
These efforts have recently translated well into the fashion sector, where FSC has been working to develop certified textile supply chains since 2015. Here emerges their most recent initiative, the Fashion Forever Green Pact, which was publicly launched to gather the attention of the industry as a whole. The FSC label, in particular, has grown to be globally recognized by 56% of consumers, continuously making its way to textiles and beyond around the world.
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